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Full Version: [REQ] PicoTheme Wordpress themeforest clone
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how do you change the colors on this picotheme, such as buttons ect ?
it's very simple my freind go to the web site and stoll the css file

browse source code of and search for theme.css and download it

no need member to sell you a file like this use your brain every day for everthing

good luck
(09-26-2013 06:27 AM)miloua Wrote: [ -> ]it's very simple my freind go to the web site and stoll the css file

browse source code of and search for theme.css and download it

no need member to sell you a file like this use your brain every day for everthing

good luck
i tried that i downlaod from picotheme the theme.css and style.css and i replaced them on my website and it didn't work thats why im asking here
just download theme.css it work my brother very well
i try it now it work nice
hey here is the code:

*Theme Name: picotheme
*Theme URI:
*Description: A slick, powerful and clean theme.
*Author: picotheme
*Author URI:
*Version: 1.6.0
*License: Located in 'licensing' folder
*License URI: Located in 'licensing' folder
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