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Full Version: [GET] FrederickPc's Facebook Advanced Image Scraper v1.0.0.6
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ImageScraper v1.0.0.6
[Image: QKw1gbW.jpg]

With this you can scrape and download all the images from a facebook page from the very begining till today.You can also provide minimum likes,shares and comments count so you can obtain viral images.

Specify Minimum likes,comments and shares
Can specifiy limit in amount of photo to be scraped
Grab images between specific date
and so on.

.net 4.0

Mediafire Download Link
Magic Button :

Enjoy! Love
Specify Minimum likes,comments and shares
Can specifiy limit in amount of photo to be scraped
Grab images between specific date
and so on.

Nice feature, let me try it.. thanks :)
not work for me, any suggestion guys? the tool not response at all when I'm press the start button. I've also install .net 4.0
Not working for me too!
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