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Full Version: RE: Bitcoins/Bitcoin Miners
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Anyone familiar with Bitcoins and how to use miners?
You're too late, mate...

BTC mining era is almost over (very hard difficulty nowadays and it keeps increasing).
That is true, you are d*** too late. Think of other cryptocoin.......
yea the days of bitcoin mining are over its designed to be less profitable the longer you do it. google bitcoin robot, it buys and sells bit coins. It launched a few weeks ago and tbh im still not sure if its a scam or not ?
Hey, what about Litecoins? I was just checking the exchange rate, and it looks like they are currently trading at $2.33 USD. I found CDEbian, which can mine for both. Although, from what the article was saying about Litecoin was that there isn't enough demand yet for it to be completely feasible. Although, to check that one out might be worth it, considering Bitcoin wasn't really well known, either, even 2-3 years ago.

By the way. Here are the links I was talking about.




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