Been running Jingling and have not really seen any conversions. Does it have to do with the configuration, and if so? How would you do so for PPC or CPA?
I am not sure how you can use it for PPC.
Several companies recognizes and ignores jingling visits.
This is the best page for understanding the settings.
Thanks. I'll have to check it out.
It's just a traffic bot. You will not get any clicks/conversions from it.
When you run JingLing on your computer it browses other people sites in the background, in exchange you're getting visitors to your sites.
It can increase your Alexa rankings, but do not expect anything else from it.
(08-25-2013 06:33 AM)darkenedskies2009 Wrote: [ -> ]Been running Jingling and have not really seen any conversions. Does it have to do with the configuration, and if so? How would you do so for PPC or CPA?
Jingling AKA Kiss of the dragon IS only a BOT!
You can't get any convertions or any Clicks on Adsense!
It is only will show you the hits! now the good in it is that it is shown under all the counts such as countstat etc... and under google analytics..and ofcourse raising your alexa... but watchout!
But no convertions or something like that!