wow, this would be a big one, a big fish.
Anybody knows how to get it cracked?
I am interested in this course myself, and I found a Group Buy at [hide]http://www.{{{Blocked by Omni Potens, reason: reports from LEGIT GB STARTER}}}/forum/showthread.php?51635-Digital-Publishing-Blueprint-Launch-Ed-Dale&p=285716#post285716[/hide]
I cannot find this course anywhere else, and if you are interested in getting it for a fraction of the cost, hurry, because the Group Buy will close quickly. Sign up and post you are in, and up to how much. The Group Buy may not go through, unless enough people sign up.

Yep, I would be. There is a piece of software too, MagCast. May not be possible to crack if delivered as software as a service.
(07-16-2014 03:21 AM)2commakid Wrote: [ -> ]See that this just opened up again today 15th july 2014
Anyone interested...?
magcast is like 3500! but id love to have this course too :)
If someone could post just the course that would be awesome!!!
I checked out the GB at {{{Blocked by Omni Potens, reason: reports from LEGIT GB STARTER}}} - tried to register - but it's closed. Anyone a member who could help me get into that GB for Ed Dale's Digital Publishing Blueprint?