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Full Version: [Get] [AMAZON]Christmas Cash Out! 5 Steps and 3 Hours to MORE COMMISSIONS Before December - STEP BY STEP - by Erica Stone
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(08-28-2013 05:23 AM)Hajjopei Wrote: [ -> ]And another backup mirror, which is save from being deleted propbably:
You need to code your links with "code" tags, first... then, if you want to hide the link, wrap the whole thing in "hide" tags...

[Image: 9XRY98j.jpg]
Big Thanks.....
I'm not in the Amazon niche so I wouldn't know.... but, is physical product affiliate marketing still working?

now that Google is becoming the world's largest physical products affiliate - via their Google Shop image ads that offensively occupy the top of the page whenever someone types in any product-specific keywords

obviously Google has realised that people searching for product names are ready-to-buy so Google wants to take a lion's bite of the pie

so, are all these Amazon methods still working?
Is someone able to take care of the Amazon question above in post #23 ??
Many thanks Smile
Rep added, mirror:

Thanks, reps added.

thanks a lot mate +rep to you
Thanks! Rep added.
Thanks mate! Reps added.
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