08-29-2013, 06:05 AM
(08-28-2013 02:34 PM)jonich Wrote: [ -> ]Then you should delete the error section.(08-28-2013 02:06 PM)LeecherEatMyShit Aka THOR Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the clarification...much appreciated(08-28-2013 10:49 AM)jonich Wrote: [ -> ]Hey JohnnyShadow,1) Normal Member = Can Add 1 Point
As much as I would love to give you +5 Reps I can only give one as that is all I am allowed at the moment, unless there is something that I don't know how to add more than 1.
Thank you for the great share.
2) Contributor Member = Can Add 3 Points
3) VIP Member + Myself Green Status Can = Add 5 Points
4) Moderator / Admin = Unlimited Points Given
Hi Guys,
When I tried to unzipped the file which has been downloaded all and its 361mb, I get this error:
! J:\27 Animated Powerpoint Video Templates\27_Animated_PowerPoint_Video_Templates.rar: CRC failed in 27 Animated PowerPoint Video Templates\Business Templates\corporatecloud.pptx. The file is corrupt
! J:\27 Animated Powerpoint Video Templates\27_Animated_PowerPoint_Video_Templates.rar: Unexpected end of archive
Thanks guys.
That's okay guys, its all good, I just downloaded it again from another download link.
I first downloaded it from Gamefront but that gave me the error.
I re-downloaded it again from sendfiles and extracted good.
I would suggest everybody to use 7 Zip to extract the package. It works much better than WinRAR.