awesome! just added rep! If you can upload all themes and update them regelary id agree to add rep every time i get them.Id like to make a website for my father, he is a writer. So if you could upload EBOOK or PUBLISHER i would be thankfull. And id like to have Service Biz
anyone have Tevolution plugin and a Tevolution add-on called Templatic Booking for 5 star theme,please share.
Thank you.
Do you maybe have the theme Primashop ??? i'm looking everywhere for that theme and yet i cannot find it
anyone have Tevolution plugin and a Tevolution add-on called Templatic Booking.
thank you my dear, rep added :D
(09-10-2013 08:09 PM)netmagus Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,
anyone have Tevolution plugin and a Tevolution add-on called Templatic Booking.
maybe you can find it here - direct download:
I have install Automotive theme but received alert: "The parent theme is missing. Please install the "supreme" parent theme."
Can you share supreme theme?