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First of all I want to thank the existence of this forum and all the people that contributed to make such a good forum. Heart
Been a voyeur on this forum for a while and I got to say I learned and got a lot from it for free!

I'm 22 years old and I've been into internet marketing now for 1 month. Created my first website, tried to raise it in google..
I still have lots to learn but i'm curious how it all works(trying to connect the dots with all the different sub aspects of internetmarketing), so I hope I will all figure it out somehow with trial and error. And curiousity is the key to succes they always told me :D

But now I have lots of different courses on my computer.
Which one would you guys advice for me to be the best beginner course of internet marketing (SEO) (To learn the slanglanguage and basic principles of the most up-to-date IM.
- SEO Omega course
- SEO for Web Designers
- SEO master certification program

Thanks in advance

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