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Full Version: [GET] JS Exclusive !!!! Youtube Ranking Software v2.0
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Johnny, You are a Genius...Very Much Appreciated Your Work Bro. Great Job!

Thanks for the Heads Up Supercharger...Will Look forward to that as well.
Excellent Work JS Rep Added
Thank you JohnnyShadow! rep given
Tahnks For Share Man !!

But this software sucks..... i tested it some minutes, nothing special. All can be done without the software in nearly the same Time.

Another Overhyped Bulshit from WSO !
Thanks again JohnnyShadow! +++REPs added.
Thanks a lot JS.
(08-21-2013 10:01 PM)BlackHatter4Life Wrote: [ -> ]Tahnks For Share Man !!

But this software sucks..... i tested it some minutes, nothing special. All can be done without the software in nearly the same Time.

Another Overhyped Bulshit from WSO !
what's new. The thing about youtube, it's pretty much all the same, titles, tags, backlinks. There's no secret to it.
JohnnyShadow , is our sharing HERO. +5 for Respect.
thx looks cool Angry Love Huh Tongue Confused Biggrin
Thanks MR Shadow.... awesome share, from an awesome individual!!!

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