Review for OTO.
FB Overview and Brainstorming your page topic (Video 1)
Talks about how Facebook was not made to market products/services. How users are not there to buy stuff but to socialize. So suggests you shouldn't sell to your audience or at least not in traditional ways.
Promotes that you market using this flow: audience first --> provide content --> show them stuff.
As an example he mentions an audience can be made up of women of ages 30-50 and think what interests them. Goes on to talk how people align in real life and how this translates in Facebook.
we naturally organize in
+family and relationships
+education/schools attended
what interests people
calls to brainstorm your topic thinking what was mentioned earlier and grouped as passion + socially acceptable
Other considerations:
advices to aviod aligning with brands as you become less flexible in your messages and can run into copyright issues.
make it easy for them to decide they want to align with your page topic
and try to use your interests and passions.
Jumping off points
suggests you fill in the blanks to make it easier to pick topics:
"someone" who loves "something".
_________ who love to _________ (activity).
I love _________.
I love to _______. (activity)
I'd rather be _______. (activity)
I wish I were a _______.
The idea is to pair up a demografic to a passion that is socially acceptable.
And gives out homework assignment brainstorm at least 3 topics that are connectec passion + socially acceptable
Research Validate Page (Video 2)
keep in mind the author wants you to build a fanpage that is picture centric.
Search in using the site: classic cars to find the audience, in this case "classic cars".
Find content to repost/republish site: classic cars to find pictures of classic cars in pinterest, uses variation like "vintage cars" then searches in google using site: classic cars for videos about classic cars. And finally uses google using site: classic cars for more content about classic cars.
goes on to search for more/drill down for specific cars like: mustangs, corvettes, etcand then searches for products/offers in sites:,, (cpa),, that fit your audience.
walks through each site.and gives out home work assignment:
Make sure there are:
1. fans you can target
2. content you can republish
3. ways to monetize the page
meant to be filled out in a spreadsheet with the info you gathered.
Collect Content (Video 3)
Content types:
Real time (breaking news) can be more viral, but it requires you to be hands on.
Evergreen (timeless) you can collect and schedule in advance.
content sources (walks through each):
Mentions the use of operators that were introduced in previous video
Search in using the:
gives out homework assignment
+save images into a folder
+save links in text file
+with the idea to post 4x daily,
so gather 28 pieces of content (7 days' worth)
Create and Launch Page Part I (Video 4)
Case study on one of the author's fanpage. Goes through the process of brainstorming, researching and collecting content until he finally creates the fanpage.
Picks fanpage name entering words that relate to the topic using and looking at existing fanpage names in
Author uses "Cause or Community" to start his fanpage. Suggests to go to and make profile and cover photo for the fanpage.
Create and Launch Page Part II (Video 5)
Talks about optimal image sizes for various spaces where pictures would show in your page (cover, profile, posts, etc).
Walks the user through and how to pick the gig to get your profile and cover pics.
Talks about a Wikipedia entry that has a list of resources of public domain pics to use.
Another source he talks about is flickr/creative commons.
Post and Schedule Content (Video 6)
Author walks user through content collecting making sure pic sizes are optimal so it shows up nicely on a facebook post. Uses Pic Resize, which is a web based pic resizer (for a lack of a better description). Recommends that after you crop you get the width size and let it resize height-wise.
Posts the modified picture along with the url where it was found, he explains this is done so you condition your audience to click on links you post and once you start monetizing your fanpage, there is little problem getting them to click on the monetized links.
Shows user how to schedule posts and recommends to schedule your posts (4x daily)morning, afternoon, late afternoon and evening.
Homework assignment is to get a backlog of posts going before seeking fans.
Build Audience (Ads and Free) (Video 7)
Uses firefox addon to click all friends in your network so you can invite them over to your fanpage.
Switches from normal facebook profile to fanpage profile to like similar pages and comment on those posts in hopes of getting a comment in there that gets likes and makes others notice and check his fanpage.
Walks user through creating an ad that gets likes to the fanpage. Optimizes for audience recommends you only use
precise interest and stay away from broad categories. Gets the ad ordered for 10 bucks per day.
Homework assignment is to create an ad to get likes. Keeping in mind you need at least 10 posts in your timeline first. Get your FB in too if comfortable with it.
Monetization (Video 8)
Suggests you dont think about monetization like a regular marketer would. Your fans are not there to be promoted to. You need to build trust first until you have a solid fanbase and you grow it by providing great content. Recommends to start monetization around 10K fans and be patient even with this amount of fans and focus on content.
He mentions you should diversify on offers/products so you don't pound people as hard with the same stuff and to
present yourself as the person who discovers the content and brings it to them. Present yourself as you are the resource.
Post relevant content and get paid when people clicks through. Use:,, Max 1 per day.
Talks about how most CPA networks wont allow social traffic. Search on for offers and recommends (although mentioning that he has not tried it himself). Make sure that your offers are relevant.
Looked all over the site for the video on how analizing metrics and doing maintenance. I guess this is where you start getting a feel for which ads/posts work and how to keep adding content to page which is just repeating the process.
There's a PDF too which is the document version of the videos.
I think this is great for newbies. I also think his videos are longer than what is necessary to bring the point across.
I give this a solid 7 out 10
I will try to get a review going for the Front End product and get it posted by tomorrow if all goes well.