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Full Version: [GET] [HOT LAUNCH!] Thousands of Fans for a Penny a Piece!
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Pages: 1 2
may be both are same, rehased!
This does not go to the right product. Does anyone have this that they can share? Thanks in advance!
This is actually the course:

One of the reliable and excellent WSO out there. Tried the methods outlined in this WSO and my Cost-per-like has been going down slowly. Penny-likes pretty much achievable.

Warning: However, in the beginning when you start implementing, you will see the Cost-per-like is slightly higher, can be as high as $0.20-0.40. Dont give up, keep running the ads (or optimize if you feel you've targeted wrong audience).

Mine started with $0.40/like and now it's around $0.03/like.
1000 likes at $0.01 per pop = $10

that's two Fiverr gigs! you can find 1000 likes gigs for $5 easy
(09-29-2013 05:20 PM)gaper Wrote: [ -> ]1000 likes at $0.01 per pop = $10

that's two Fiverr gigs! you can find 1000 likes gigs for $5 easy
If you want fake likes or untargeted people, of course you can go for fiverr.
But this is about getting likes from real and targeted people, which we want to monetize later.
I Not really a believer but.. still thanks for the Share !
(09-29-2013 02:48 PM)ferronf Wrote: [ -> ]Review:

One of the reliable and excellent WSO out there. Tried the methods outlined in this WSO and my Cost-per-like has been going down slowly. Penny-likes pretty much achievable.

Warning: However, in the beginning when you start implementing, you will see the Cost-per-like is slightly higher, can be as high as $0.20-0.40. Dont give up, keep running the ads (or optimize if you feel you've targeted wrong audience).

Mine started with $0.40/like and now it's around $0.03/like.
Love your truth Review. Thanks men :)
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