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I have updated Backupbuddy into

Latest version BackupBuddy v4.2.14.11 - Feb 27, 2014 release

you can take it from my OP at first page

peace and enjoy Cool
if it help, make me smile with +rep ...
Thanks m8 iv repped you

I cant get this to work though. I just keep getting its taking an abnormally long time and waiting for server. Anyone else had this issue and if not any other good backup programs anyone is aware of? I just want to backup my site and save it to desktop
(03-27-2014 05:07 AM)rainbowdrifter Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks m8 iv repped you

I cant get this to work though. I just keep getting its taking an abnormally long time and waiting for server. Anyone else had this issue and if not any other good backup programs anyone is aware of? I just want to backup my site and save it to desktop
with me it's work fine
I've tested it before I shared it here

maybe you have plugins conflict
from my experience sometimes it conflicts with chace plugins like w3 total cache or wp super cache
I usually deactivate that chace plugin before I do backup with backupbuddy

but if you want to try another plugin, here is a good and free plugin (from my experience):

Wordpress Duplicator

hope that will help you

peace Cool
Thanks very much kintamani il try them
hi guys,

I have updated Backupbuddy

Latest version BackupBuddy v4.2.15.6 - April 2014 release

you can take it from my OP at first page

peace and enjoy Cool
if it help, make me smile with +rep ...
+Rep added - Thank you very much for your share!
Good plugin file! Rep added.
Thanks for the updated version. +++ Rep.
Quote: all password as always BBHF standar password
Which is standard BBHF password? How and where I can found it?
I need this plugin
Awesome, Thanks for the share, I was about to create a request thread for this plugin. + Reps
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