08-14-2013, 10:15 AM
How I Became a Six Figure Copywriter
The Story of How I Figured Out How Money is Really Made in the Copywriting Business
![[Image: straw.jpg]](http://www.thebusinessofcopywriting.com/images/straw.jpg)
“It Is Fan-Dam-Tastic…”
“I just read it. It is fan-dam-tastic. — On a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a 15.
I will be telling my readers about it … today!”
Jim Straw
Mail Order Legend (Over $400,000,000.00 Sold)
“Almost Immediately Landed a $6,000 Project…”
“I loved the Six Figure book I downloaded. I’ve changed my mindset,
and almost immediately landed a $6000 project that will probably turn into a month-to-month deal.
I’ve been writing non-stop since I opened my biz. I’ve had lucrative and not-so-lucrative jobs. I’m finishing my last non-lucrative job and am only going to fish in bigger ponds from now on.
Thanks again for such a great book. I’m no longer a copywriter. I’m a moneymaking marketing specialist.
Deb Holder
Freelance Copywriter
back and forth, I was off and running… and in 2 days, I was done with
the letter. (I didn’t know you didn’t have to finish a project in 2
days.) Luckily, things worked out pretty well. In fact, here’s my
client, Pat’s testimonial:
Now back then, I was REALLY green. Actually, to say I was naive would be a huge understatement.
Don’t believe me?
I was so excited to be writing copy for Pat… I forgot to ask him for the money. The project was on spec (where you get paid if your copy is used.) Well, I never got paid for doing the project… because I never asked for the money.
I’m sure Pat didn’t mind.
So How DO You Make a Lot of Money Writing Copy?
I really had no idea what I was doing.
So I bought all the courses I could find. I was promised the world. Just learn these copywriting secrets.
But they missed something…
Sure, I learned HOW to write. It’s not rocket science you know.
But last time I checked, you can get a world class copywriting education
for about $500. Or half that at your used book store.
But what they left out was something far more important than HOW to write.
What “they” missed was really the only thing that matters:
How to Make a Lot of Money Being a Freelance Copywriter
Kind of an important detail to skip over don’t you think?
Watch the “How to Get Clients” Video
You can be the world’s best freelance copywriter, but without the knowledgeand skill to be able to generate clients,
it’s going to be a hard road.
Enter your information in the boxes below to get immediate access to an 8 minute video where I talk about how to get clients plus access to a bunch of other copywriting business building tips.
Along with your video, you’ll also receive a free subscription to [b]“The Client Letter”. It’s the best politically incorrect daily e-letter for independent service providers anywhere.[/b]
At first, I was kind of lost. I had all of these copywriting “skills” but didn’t know what to do with them. Kind of like having a
Porsche and being forced to drive at 10 MPH through a school zone.
You wonder if getting the darn Porsche was worth all the trouble. Plus… people look at you kind of funny.
I looked high and low for some help. All I found was more copywriting courses for sale.
So I got fed up and said…
“Screw That… I’m Figuring It Out on My Own”
And I did.
Now I’m not one to brag. But as of this writing, this is the view from my backyard…
This is the view of the world that I see each and every morning of my life.
I live where I want. Work when I want. And work with the people who I want to work with. It’s a beautiful thing.
Only a few months ago, it wasn’t like this. My backyard was a
little bit different… there was no golf course… no lake… and no rainbow.
There was the smell of the toxic emissions from the nearby casket factory. You read that right, a casket factory.
Things changed a bit after I figured out how to turn copywriting skills into real money.
Just look at that picture. To me, that picture represents real results. Real money. The results I help my clients create pay for that view… and a whole lot of other things.
So that’s why I’m writing this today. To help you get to the same place… and farther. It really just depends on where exactly it is that you want to go.
My goal is to help you…
Become a Six-Figure Copywriter
It’s really not that complicated. And I’m not really sure why no one’s talking about it. Talking about what it really takes to do it.
You’ve been promised the world and delivered only half of the puzzle… time and time again.
And it’s time someone stood up and actually gave you some advice about how to earn big money doing what you love.
I’m standing up…
And that’s why I’ve created:
How I Became a Six-Figure Freelance Copywriter
There’s a picture of it over there.
Become a six-figure copywriter in 1 year. That’s my goal for you. But
the way I’ll show you is a bit different than anything you’ve heard about before.
So here are just a few things you’ll learn:![[Image: howey1.jpg]](http://www.thebusinessofcopywriting.com/images/howey1.jpg)
“I HIGHLY Recommend It…”
“The other night I started reading your new book thinking I might get in a little reading before I dropped off to sleep.
But 2 hours later
I was still wide awake… couldn’t sleep… scribbling notes as fast as I could about simple, practical, and very easy to apply things that I could use in my business the very next day.
In your always entertaining style, you taught me the two most important things to look for in selecting a client, how to ensure I
always get paid, how to turn ideas into cash, and the difference between being a “guru” and being wealthy.
But that’s not all. Your Client Attraction Grid graphically presented 11 different marketing tools and explained them in a way that
makes it easy to see which ones can produce the best results. And the way you burst the “Specialization Myth” made me look at business in a completely different way.
I could go on and on about the great ideas I’ve gotten from you, buttime and space won’t allow it. Quite simply, Jason, this is your best work to date. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who is responsible in ANY way for the acquisition, service or retention of clients or customers for their business.”
Martin Howey
CEO, Topline Business Solutions
Here’s the Secret to Making Your Six-Figure Copywriting Business a Reality
Here’s my reason for creating this guide:
To save you thousands and thousands of dollars of wasted
money and tons of time playing trying to figure this out on your own.
(It’s possible… but it can be painful. Trust me!)
I want to give you the straight scoop on how to ramp up your copywriting business… fast.
To be successful, you’ve got to learn some secrets. Secrets that will keep you from having to struggle to win a copywriting job for $500 or $1,000. It can take a lot of work to get a client. But it takes no
more work to get a client who will pay you $10,000 (or more) than it does to get one who will pay you $500.
So why not aim high? You just have to learn how to do it.
“It Teaches You HOW TO GET CLIENTS!”
“If you’re just getting into the copywriting game… then get a copy of this report from Jason Leister.
Straightforward… fluff-free… to the point.
Best part? It teaches you HOW TO GET CLIENTS!
As moderator on the world’s most popular copywriters’ forum, I’ve
observed that “getting clients” is THE #1 missing link that plagues
newbie copywriters. Heck, it frustrates some guys and gals who’ve been
at it for a while.
If I were attempting to make my living as a copywriter, I would make sure I was armed with Jason’s report.”
JP Maroney
“Mr. Monetizer”
Business Growth Strategist, Author and Serial Entrepreneur
Here’s the Offer The knowledge and advice I’ve put in this guide probably cost me
tens of thousands of dollars in trial and error (mostly error). Most of
that money is money that I left on the table because I was stupid.
So the cost of the guide is $97.
The whole transaction is processed right away and you’ll be able to download your copy immediately.
The price is pennies compared to the money I’ve LOST learning these things.
You see, even though I’ve made over six-figures, had I started the
year knowing what I’ve packed into this guide, I might have even doubled my income. Really.
But before you take action, I need to be upfront with you and tell you…
What Makes This Different Than Any Other Copywriting “HOW TO” On the Market?
Good question. Actually, this guide is quite different. Because it’s probably the only “copywriting guide” that never once mentions…
Anything to do with HOW to write copy…
You can buy that knowledge at a book store. It’s written by folks far more qualified than I am.
Plus… that’s just knowledge you pick up along the way by failing.
So you won’t find me talking about it. Heck, do you really think you need even one more “copywriting secret?”
Most of us have more copywriting secrets sitting on our shelves than we will ever use.
“Would Have Been a Nice Handbook While I Was Unfolding My Own Business…”
“I really liked your report.
It’s like reading my own thoughts. So much is similar between my own
path and yours. I too started seeking for undervalued projects, and
then went on to write for myself to get to six figures.
You’ve got the mindset right and your advice points in the right direction, without distractions. Nice job!
I don’t have a lot to offer in the way of improvements, but I will
say that this would have been a nice handbook while I was unfolding my
own business.”
Erik Mulder
Six-Figure Copywriter
This is a Limited Time Offer
I don’t know how long this will remain available in its current form.
I’ve already taken it down once to edit and update it.
And the price has climbed substantially since it was first released. So you need to get started right now.
Plus… how long do you really want to wait to get on your path to six-figures?
What you’ll learn in this guide will have a huge impact on the bottom line of your copywriting business.
If it doesn’t… just send it back. I’m giving you a YEAR to try it out.
All you’ve got to show me is that you tried what I suggest… more than once.
But don’t think this is a magic pill. It’s information. Very valuable information. But you’ve actually got to use it.
I’m not going to insult your intelligence and tell you that you can be a millionaire your first year or something equally as far fetched
simply by putting this guide on your shelf. That’s crazy talk.
Plus, there are plenty of other folks willing to do that.
Enough of the ranting. Get your copy and change your life.
Because once you do, you’ll understand just how amazing this business really can be.
P.S. Here are just a few more comments from other copywriters:
“Just As Valuable As What I Get From Dan Kennedy…”
“I’m really impressed. This stuff is just as valuable as what I get from Dan Kennedy, Clayton Makepeace, or any of the other gurus out there. Way to go.”
Jon Weston
Freelance Copywriter
“You Have Already Saved Me
Several Thousand Dollars…”
“One thing I failed to do last email was give you feedback on your booklet.
It is absolutely great!
I don’t have any doubt you have already saved me several thousand
dollars, as that’s at least what I would have likely spent going through
the wringer trying to figure out enough of this to get going.”
Fred Rook
“Packed Full of Info…”
“I bought your six figure copywriting book and have to say it’s packed full of info for the fledgling copywriter.
I’ve just started reading it again, as there was too much info to take in on a first read. I’ve come up with a fantastic marketing ploy,
inspired by your book. By which i mean it’s different and should help me stand out from the crowd.”
Mark Ratcliffe
Freelance Copywriter
“He Should Be Charging More For This Advice…”
“Jason’s book was quite an eye opener for me. Wish I would’ve had it two years ago. Inside you’ll find what it really takes to make
six-figures as a copywriter, …and it’s not what you would expect.
There’s no fluff. It’s all great advice you can put into action right away. He should be charging more for this advice, because it’ll
save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars, and months (or even years!) of frustration.”
Miami Florida Copywriter
“Motivated Me To Take My Business To The Next Level…”
“Ordered your book yesterday and read it in one sitting.
It is fantastic! Very inspirational. I have been copywriting for awhile with some success, but your advice has really motivated me to
take my business to the next level. I even took notes and came up with a few ideas of my own. Thanks so much!”
Julie Johnson
“I Don’t Often Wax On This Long in Praise of Anything But You Deserve It…”
“I read over your “Six-Figure” guide in one sitting immediately after downloading it. (Hey, one point in my favor for not letting it age
on the shelf.) My first reaction was that it gave good value for the price you charged. But I knew I was going to have to read it over another time or two to get the full benefit. I’ve done that in the past few days and I have some comments for you.
You have reinforced what I came to see shortly after I completed the AWAI course – that it’s not about the copy, it’s about marketing, and that you can be of much more use to your clients by helping them with
their marketing than by being a copywriter only.
I liked your recommendations on reference material for setting fees
and your mental positioning of yourself as selecting your clients as well as your clients selecting you.
I’m enjoying the auto-responder e-mails you’re sending that include the videos, pdfs, etc. Each one has been a great help and I do
appreciate the value you’re giving.
People think you’re brilliant when you let them talk about themselves, their ideas, and problems, interrupting only to prompt them
to talk some more. I read the Dale Carnegie books a long, long time ago.
I could comment much more, but I truly don’t have the time. I’d just like to say that the picture of the Thinker on the cover is
appropriate. I got a lot more out of your material when I went through it slowly (the second time) and paused every so often to think, expand upon, and internalize your points. It really seemed to be a lot of concentrated ideas in one source. And if I had to say what the greatest benefit was, it would have to be that it’s built additional confidence in me.
To sum up, you’ve given great value, and I think when I do actually take some action (possibly in the next 6-9 months) it will be a big help. I don’t often wax on this long in praise of anything but you deserve it. You’re now on the short list of e-mails I open right away.”
Barry Anderson
Freelance Copywriter
“Worth So Much More Than You Will Ever Pay For It…”
“The title of this guide is a bit misleading – it should have read:
“Guide to becoming a six-figure …” (fill in the dots with any self-employed profession) – because, as Jason states on page 3 and lateron page 9\10: it is about how to run your own business, getting good clients and getting paid for your services what they are worth, so that you (can) obtain a great life, as opposed to being a lifelong slave of poor-paying ‘clients’.
That the title still mentions ‘copywriter’ is because the author shows you how he, as a ‘copy-supplier’, assists his clients in making
them much more money, by helping with their marketing in general – and benefitting from their huge successes accordingly.
He just wants you to find a similar route, so that you can choose only the profitable, ‘good’ clients, resulting in a better quality of
life and a healthier financial status.
So, how did he achieve all this? Let me begin by telling you that there is no secret or earth-shattering revelation! And that is what I
like best: Jason just uses common sense, is really down to earth and doesn’t live up to hypes or fads (all traits that you have and can control yourself!): stick to his ‘principles’ and you will do much better already, without even needing new clients: just start by weeding out the bad ones… Stop wasting time on the ones that drain you. And gainsome more self-respect by doing so – even if you don’t make more money,you will feel better about yourself and your business – which is truly
worth a lot and shows to prospects!
You’ve all heard of the 80-20% rule – but do you apply it to your business? Most likely not. Why not? Because you don’t dare saying ‘no’: no to clients that keep calling you without accepting any invoice from you; no to clients that pay 3 months late; no to clients that only use you for their small jobs, without giving you the better jobs nor referring you to their network. And in case you forgot: a client that doesn’t pay, is just no client…
I’m pretty sure you have heard that before, but where lies the true value of this book? It’s twofold.
Firstly, it forces you to look into your own business, your own standards and practices. Contemplating what you are doing, how and why you are doing it, what should be improved and what abolished; Secondly, it encourages you to really stand out, to be different in your marketingapproach. Don’t copy your competition, be yourself, be a personality – sell them your brainpower – not just 5 pagesof copy, because they can get that anywhere.
Jason feels you deserve better – he shows you (from his own experiences!) what works. And what does not. Which saves you a lot of time and money. And should inspire you. That is what makes this guide worth so much more than you will ever pay for it.”
Jacques Soudan
South Africa
“A Breakthrough for Me…”
“The guide was a breakthrough for me. For an embarrassingly long time I’d thought about becoming a copywriter, but always feared that I needed to study more, to read another book, to attend a course… a typical victim of paralysis by analysis.
BoC made it all go away. Like a slap on the face of a panic victim, it made me stop and see the world as it is: you don’t have to be the best artisan, just the best businessman. Quality counts, of course, but business results — for your client as well as for yourself — are way more important than how flawless your penmanship is.”
Carlos Accioly
“The Real Deal…”
“Unlike the suspect hordes of copywriting gurus plying their wares on the web, Jason Leister is the real deal, someone who knows what he’s talking about and isn’t afraid to ruffle a few feathers by going againstthe prevailing wisdom by offering practical, tested, real world advice to copywriters looking to find their way to a better life through owning
their own businesses.
Jason is willing to take the time to find out exactly what obstacles aspiring copywriters face and to help them remove those obstacles.”
Mike Farrell
“Added Some Nice Deposits to My Bank Account…”
“Jason, you’ve helped me change my mindset too.
My business has a new momentum now as a result and I’m very grateful for all your advice.
Anyone out there who isn’t looking for yet more copywriting “secrets”but instead wants to take their business to the next level should, at the very least, buy Jason’s book and also seriously consider his mentoring services.
He’s so good at giving advice about marketing copywriting services tooffline businesses, getting you to think two years ahead and where you want to be and how to get there, ideas for various upsells and downsells
to offer to clients, how to get them on monthly retainer (that alone has added some nice deposits to my bank account in a very short time), how to network at seminars, etc. Above all, he does not make you fit
into a certain mold and instead tells you to NOT be like everyone else.”
Anita Ashland
Freelance Copywriter
Copyright © 2007–2013 TheBusinessofCopywriting.com | Privacy Policy | Earnings Disclaimer
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The Story of How I Figured Out How Money is Really Made in the Copywriting Business
![[Image: straw.jpg]](http://www.thebusinessofcopywriting.com/images/straw.jpg)
“It Is Fan-Dam-Tastic…”
“I just read it. It is fan-dam-tastic. — On a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a 15.
I will be telling my readers about it … today!”
Jim Straw
Mail Order Legend (Over $400,000,000.00 Sold)
![[Image: holder.gif]](http://www.thebusinessofcopywriting.com/images/holder.gif)
“Almost Immediately Landed a $6,000 Project…”
“I loved the Six Figure book I downloaded. I’ve changed my mindset,
and almost immediately landed a $6000 project that will probably turn into a month-to-month deal.
I’ve been writing non-stop since I opened my biz. I’ve had lucrative and not-so-lucrative jobs. I’m finishing my last non-lucrative job and am only going to fish in bigger ponds from now on.
Thanks again for such a great book. I’m no longer a copywriter. I’m a moneymaking marketing specialist.
![[Image: icon_smile.gif]](http://www.thebusinessofcopywriting.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
Deb Holder
Freelance Copywriter
From: Jason Leister
The Mountains of Arizona
The Mountains of Arizona
Dear Copywriter,
Let’s get right to it…
If you’ve already got a copywriting business, but aren’t making six-figures (or more)… then chances are, it’s not your writing that’s
the problem.
Because it’s not “copy secrets” that you’re missing. The problem is just that you don’t quite know how to leverage your copywriting skills and actually turn them into money.
You know copywriting…
You Just Don’t Know the Copywriting Business
And in the next few moments, I’m going to show you what to do about that.
The fact is, you can make money doing what you love.
And I’m going to show you some steps you can take to become a six-figure copywriter… your very first year. I’ve done it and I’m going to show you how you can too.
But before I do that, let me fill you in on a few details. Because I can almost guarantee, you have no idea who I am.
My name is Jason Leister. I started my freelance copywriting business in January of 2007. My first client came to me out of the blue;
a friend and business partner of Dr. Joe Vitale. His name is Pat O’Bryan–he’s that “Portable Empire” guy you probably get emails from all the time.
My first copywriting project ever was for Pat. After a few emails Let’s get right to it…
If you’ve already got a copywriting business, but aren’t making six-figures (or more)… then chances are, it’s not your writing that’s
the problem.
Because it’s not “copy secrets” that you’re missing. The problem is just that you don’t quite know how to leverage your copywriting skills and actually turn them into money.
You know copywriting…
You Just Don’t Know the Copywriting Business
And in the next few moments, I’m going to show you what to do about that.
The fact is, you can make money doing what you love.
And I’m going to show you some steps you can take to become a six-figure copywriter… your very first year. I’ve done it and I’m going to show you how you can too.
But before I do that, let me fill you in on a few details. Because I can almost guarantee, you have no idea who I am.
My name is Jason Leister. I started my freelance copywriting business in January of 2007. My first client came to me out of the blue;
a friend and business partner of Dr. Joe Vitale. His name is Pat O’Bryan–he’s that “Portable Empire” guy you probably get emails from all the time.
back and forth, I was off and running… and in 2 days, I was done with
the letter. (I didn’t know you didn’t have to finish a project in 2
days.) Luckily, things worked out pretty well. In fact, here’s my
client, Pat’s testimonial:
![[Image: pat.jpg]](http://www.thebusinessofcopywriting.com/images/pat.jpg)
Now back then, I was REALLY green. Actually, to say I was naive would be a huge understatement.
Don’t believe me?
I was so excited to be writing copy for Pat… I forgot to ask him for the money. The project was on spec (where you get paid if your copy is used.) Well, I never got paid for doing the project… because I never asked for the money.
I’m sure Pat didn’t mind.
So How DO You Make a Lot of Money Writing Copy?
I really had no idea what I was doing.
So I bought all the courses I could find. I was promised the world. Just learn these copywriting secrets.
But they missed something…
Sure, I learned HOW to write. It’s not rocket science you know.
But last time I checked, you can get a world class copywriting education
for about $500. Or half that at your used book store.
But what they left out was something far more important than HOW to write.
What “they” missed was really the only thing that matters:
How to Make a Lot of Money Being a Freelance Copywriter
Kind of an important detail to skip over don’t you think?
Watch the “How to Get Clients” Video
![[Image: vid1.png]](http://www.thebusinessofcopywriting.com/images/vid1.png)
You can be the world’s best freelance copywriter, but without the knowledgeand skill to be able to generate clients,
it’s going to be a hard road.
Enter your information in the boxes below to get immediate access to an 8 minute video where I talk about how to get clients plus access to a bunch of other copywriting business building tips.
Along with your video, you’ll also receive a free subscription to [b]“The Client Letter”. It’s the best politically incorrect daily e-letter for independent service providers anywhere.[/b]
At first, I was kind of lost. I had all of these copywriting “skills” but didn’t know what to do with them. Kind of like having a
Porsche and being forced to drive at 10 MPH through a school zone.
You wonder if getting the darn Porsche was worth all the trouble. Plus… people look at you kind of funny.
I looked high and low for some help. All I found was more copywriting courses for sale.
So I got fed up and said…
“Screw That… I’m Figuring It Out on My Own”
And I did.
Now I’m not one to brag. But as of this writing, this is the view from my backyard…
![[Image: flag.jpg]](http://www.thebusinessofcopywriting.com/images/flag.jpg)
This is the view of the world that I see each and every morning of my life.
I live where I want. Work when I want. And work with the people who I want to work with. It’s a beautiful thing.
Only a few months ago, it wasn’t like this. My backyard was a
little bit different… there was no golf course… no lake… and no rainbow.
There was the smell of the toxic emissions from the nearby casket factory. You read that right, a casket factory.
Things changed a bit after I figured out how to turn copywriting skills into real money.
Just look at that picture. To me, that picture represents real results. Real money. The results I help my clients create pay for that view… and a whole lot of other things.
So that’s why I’m writing this today. To help you get to the same place… and farther. It really just depends on where exactly it is that you want to go.
My goal is to help you…
Become a Six-Figure Copywriter
It’s really not that complicated. And I’m not really sure why no one’s talking about it. Talking about what it really takes to do it.
You’ve been promised the world and delivered only half of the puzzle… time and time again.
And it’s time someone stood up and actually gave you some advice about how to earn big money doing what you love.
I’m standing up…
And that’s why I’ve created:
How I Became a Six-Figure Freelance Copywriter
There’s a picture of it over there.
![[Image: copycoversm.png]](http://www.thebusinessofcopywriting.com/images/copycoversm.png)
Become a six-figure copywriter in 1 year. That’s my goal for you. But
the way I’ll show you is a bit different than anything you’ve heard about before.
So here are just a few things you’ll learn:
- Why the quality of your copy is NOT what’s gonna make you money. You’ll learn about the real skill you need to develop to reach six-figures.
- Why “specializing” is for suckers and how following this conventional advice will hurt your bottom line.
- How to get EVERY new ad for a copywriter placed on Craigslist (from every state and city) delivered right to your computer, the minute they’re placed. Once you set it up, it takes one mouse click.
- The high profile copywriting coach I hired… and FIRED. You’ll hear the story and hopefully save yourself some money.
- How I got AGORA to call ME. I’ll tell you how you can use the very same idea.
- How to get your phone ringing with clients ASKING you to write for them.
- Why freelance copywriting isn’t the road to riches and how to leverage your writing skills for the big paydays.
- How to deal with clients on the phone. And why the difference between your current fees and DOUBLING those fees has to do with little more than the words you say on the phone.
- The strategy I used to turn a $1,000 rewrite project into a $14,000 project… not including the 5% commission I negotiated.
- PLUS… a whole lot more. A total of over 60 pages full of additional hints and tips I learned the HARD way…
![[Image: howey1.jpg]](http://www.thebusinessofcopywriting.com/images/howey1.jpg)
“I HIGHLY Recommend It…”
“The other night I started reading your new book thinking I might get in a little reading before I dropped off to sleep.
But 2 hours later
I was still wide awake… couldn’t sleep… scribbling notes as fast as I could about simple, practical, and very easy to apply things that I could use in my business the very next day.
In your always entertaining style, you taught me the two most important things to look for in selecting a client, how to ensure I
always get paid, how to turn ideas into cash, and the difference between being a “guru” and being wealthy.
But that’s not all. Your Client Attraction Grid graphically presented 11 different marketing tools and explained them in a way that
makes it easy to see which ones can produce the best results. And the way you burst the “Specialization Myth” made me look at business in a completely different way.
I could go on and on about the great ideas I’ve gotten from you, buttime and space won’t allow it. Quite simply, Jason, this is your best work to date. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who is responsible in ANY way for the acquisition, service or retention of clients or customers for their business.”
Martin Howey
CEO, Topline Business Solutions
Here’s the Secret to Making Your Six-Figure Copywriting Business a Reality
Here’s my reason for creating this guide:
To save you thousands and thousands of dollars of wasted
money and tons of time playing trying to figure this out on your own.
(It’s possible… but it can be painful. Trust me!)
I want to give you the straight scoop on how to ramp up your copywriting business… fast.
To be successful, you’ve got to learn some secrets. Secrets that will keep you from having to struggle to win a copywriting job for $500 or $1,000. It can take a lot of work to get a client. But it takes no
more work to get a client who will pay you $10,000 (or more) than it does to get one who will pay you $500.
So why not aim high? You just have to learn how to do it.
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“It Teaches You HOW TO GET CLIENTS!”
“If you’re just getting into the copywriting game… then get a copy of this report from Jason Leister.
Straightforward… fluff-free… to the point.
Best part? It teaches you HOW TO GET CLIENTS!
As moderator on the world’s most popular copywriters’ forum, I’ve
observed that “getting clients” is THE #1 missing link that plagues
newbie copywriters. Heck, it frustrates some guys and gals who’ve been
at it for a while.
If I were attempting to make my living as a copywriter, I would make sure I was armed with Jason’s report.”
JP Maroney
“Mr. Monetizer”
Business Growth Strategist, Author and Serial Entrepreneur
Here’s the Offer The knowledge and advice I’ve put in this guide probably cost me
tens of thousands of dollars in trial and error (mostly error). Most of
that money is money that I left on the table because I was stupid.
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So the cost of the guide is $97.
The whole transaction is processed right away and you’ll be able to download your copy immediately.
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The price is pennies compared to the money I’ve LOST learning these things.
You see, even though I’ve made over six-figures, had I started the
year knowing what I’ve packed into this guide, I might have even doubled my income. Really.
But before you take action, I need to be upfront with you and tell you…
What Makes This Different Than Any Other Copywriting “HOW TO” On the Market?
Good question. Actually, this guide is quite different. Because it’s probably the only “copywriting guide” that never once mentions…
Anything to do with HOW to write copy…
You can buy that knowledge at a book store. It’s written by folks far more qualified than I am.
Plus… that’s just knowledge you pick up along the way by failing.
So you won’t find me talking about it. Heck, do you really think you need even one more “copywriting secret?”
Most of us have more copywriting secrets sitting on our shelves than we will ever use.
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“Would Have Been a Nice Handbook While I Was Unfolding My Own Business…”
“I really liked your report.
It’s like reading my own thoughts. So much is similar between my own
path and yours. I too started seeking for undervalued projects, and
then went on to write for myself to get to six figures.
You’ve got the mindset right and your advice points in the right direction, without distractions. Nice job!
I don’t have a lot to offer in the way of improvements, but I will
say that this would have been a nice handbook while I was unfolding my
own business.”
Erik Mulder
Six-Figure Copywriter
This is a Limited Time Offer
I don’t know how long this will remain available in its current form.
I’ve already taken it down once to edit and update it.
And the price has climbed substantially since it was first released. So you need to get started right now.
Plus… how long do you really want to wait to get on your path to six-figures?
What you’ll learn in this guide will have a huge impact on the bottom line of your copywriting business.
If it doesn’t… just send it back. I’m giving you a YEAR to try it out.
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All you’ve got to show me is that you tried what I suggest… more than once.
But don’t think this is a magic pill. It’s information. Very valuable information. But you’ve actually got to use it.
I’m not going to insult your intelligence and tell you that you can be a millionaire your first year or something equally as far fetched
simply by putting this guide on your shelf. That’s crazy talk.
Plus, there are plenty of other folks willing to do that.
Enough of the ranting. Get your copy and change your life.
Because once you do, you’ll understand just how amazing this business really can be.
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P.S. Here are just a few more comments from other copywriters:
“Just As Valuable As What I Get From Dan Kennedy…”
“I’m really impressed. This stuff is just as valuable as what I get from Dan Kennedy, Clayton Makepeace, or any of the other gurus out there. Way to go.”
Jon Weston
Freelance Copywriter
“You Have Already Saved Me
Several Thousand Dollars…”
“One thing I failed to do last email was give you feedback on your booklet.
It is absolutely great!
I don’t have any doubt you have already saved me several thousand
dollars, as that’s at least what I would have likely spent going through
the wringer trying to figure out enough of this to get going.”
Fred Rook
“Packed Full of Info…”
“I bought your six figure copywriting book and have to say it’s packed full of info for the fledgling copywriter.
I’ve just started reading it again, as there was too much info to take in on a first read. I’ve come up with a fantastic marketing ploy,
inspired by your book. By which i mean it’s different and should help me stand out from the crowd.”
Mark Ratcliffe
Freelance Copywriter
“He Should Be Charging More For This Advice…”
“Jason’s book was quite an eye opener for me. Wish I would’ve had it two years ago. Inside you’ll find what it really takes to make
six-figures as a copywriter, …and it’s not what you would expect.
There’s no fluff. It’s all great advice you can put into action right away. He should be charging more for this advice, because it’ll
save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars, and months (or even years!) of frustration.”
Miami Florida Copywriter
“Motivated Me To Take My Business To The Next Level…”
“Ordered your book yesterday and read it in one sitting.
It is fantastic! Very inspirational. I have been copywriting for awhile with some success, but your advice has really motivated me to
take my business to the next level. I even took notes and came up with a few ideas of my own. Thanks so much!”
Julie Johnson
“I Don’t Often Wax On This Long in Praise of Anything But You Deserve It…”
“I read over your “Six-Figure” guide in one sitting immediately after downloading it. (Hey, one point in my favor for not letting it age
on the shelf.) My first reaction was that it gave good value for the price you charged. But I knew I was going to have to read it over another time or two to get the full benefit. I’ve done that in the past few days and I have some comments for you.
You have reinforced what I came to see shortly after I completed the AWAI course – that it’s not about the copy, it’s about marketing, and that you can be of much more use to your clients by helping them with
their marketing than by being a copywriter only.
I liked your recommendations on reference material for setting fees
and your mental positioning of yourself as selecting your clients as well as your clients selecting you.
I’m enjoying the auto-responder e-mails you’re sending that include the videos, pdfs, etc. Each one has been a great help and I do
appreciate the value you’re giving.
People think you’re brilliant when you let them talk about themselves, their ideas, and problems, interrupting only to prompt them
to talk some more. I read the Dale Carnegie books a long, long time ago.
I could comment much more, but I truly don’t have the time. I’d just like to say that the picture of the Thinker on the cover is
appropriate. I got a lot more out of your material when I went through it slowly (the second time) and paused every so often to think, expand upon, and internalize your points. It really seemed to be a lot of concentrated ideas in one source. And if I had to say what the greatest benefit was, it would have to be that it’s built additional confidence in me.
To sum up, you’ve given great value, and I think when I do actually take some action (possibly in the next 6-9 months) it will be a big help. I don’t often wax on this long in praise of anything but you deserve it. You’re now on the short list of e-mails I open right away.”
Barry Anderson
Freelance Copywriter
“Worth So Much More Than You Will Ever Pay For It…”
“The title of this guide is a bit misleading – it should have read:
“Guide to becoming a six-figure …” (fill in the dots with any self-employed profession) – because, as Jason states on page 3 and lateron page 9\10: it is about how to run your own business, getting good clients and getting paid for your services what they are worth, so that you (can) obtain a great life, as opposed to being a lifelong slave of poor-paying ‘clients’.
That the title still mentions ‘copywriter’ is because the author shows you how he, as a ‘copy-supplier’, assists his clients in making
them much more money, by helping with their marketing in general – and benefitting from their huge successes accordingly.
He just wants you to find a similar route, so that you can choose only the profitable, ‘good’ clients, resulting in a better quality of
life and a healthier financial status.
So, how did he achieve all this? Let me begin by telling you that there is no secret or earth-shattering revelation! And that is what I
like best: Jason just uses common sense, is really down to earth and doesn’t live up to hypes or fads (all traits that you have and can control yourself!): stick to his ‘principles’ and you will do much better already, without even needing new clients: just start by weeding out the bad ones… Stop wasting time on the ones that drain you. And gainsome more self-respect by doing so – even if you don’t make more money,you will feel better about yourself and your business – which is truly
worth a lot and shows to prospects!
You’ve all heard of the 80-20% rule – but do you apply it to your business? Most likely not. Why not? Because you don’t dare saying ‘no’: no to clients that keep calling you without accepting any invoice from you; no to clients that pay 3 months late; no to clients that only use you for their small jobs, without giving you the better jobs nor referring you to their network. And in case you forgot: a client that doesn’t pay, is just no client…
I’m pretty sure you have heard that before, but where lies the true value of this book? It’s twofold.
Firstly, it forces you to look into your own business, your own standards and practices. Contemplating what you are doing, how and why you are doing it, what should be improved and what abolished; Secondly, it encourages you to really stand out, to be different in your marketingapproach. Don’t copy your competition, be yourself, be a personality – sell them your brainpower – not just 5 pagesof copy, because they can get that anywhere.
Jason feels you deserve better – he shows you (from his own experiences!) what works. And what does not. Which saves you a lot of time and money. And should inspire you. That is what makes this guide worth so much more than you will ever pay for it.”
Jacques Soudan
South Africa
“A Breakthrough for Me…”
“The guide was a breakthrough for me. For an embarrassingly long time I’d thought about becoming a copywriter, but always feared that I needed to study more, to read another book, to attend a course… a typical victim of paralysis by analysis.
BoC made it all go away. Like a slap on the face of a panic victim, it made me stop and see the world as it is: you don’t have to be the best artisan, just the best businessman. Quality counts, of course, but business results — for your client as well as for yourself — are way more important than how flawless your penmanship is.”
Carlos Accioly
“The Real Deal…”
“Unlike the suspect hordes of copywriting gurus plying their wares on the web, Jason Leister is the real deal, someone who knows what he’s talking about and isn’t afraid to ruffle a few feathers by going againstthe prevailing wisdom by offering practical, tested, real world advice to copywriters looking to find their way to a better life through owning
their own businesses.
Jason is willing to take the time to find out exactly what obstacles aspiring copywriters face and to help them remove those obstacles.”
Mike Farrell
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“Added Some Nice Deposits to My Bank Account…”
“Jason, you’ve helped me change my mindset too.
My business has a new momentum now as a result and I’m very grateful for all your advice.
Anyone out there who isn’t looking for yet more copywriting “secrets”but instead wants to take their business to the next level should, at the very least, buy Jason’s book and also seriously consider his mentoring services.
He’s so good at giving advice about marketing copywriting services tooffline businesses, getting you to think two years ahead and where you want to be and how to get there, ideas for various upsells and downsells
to offer to clients, how to get them on monthly retainer (that alone has added some nice deposits to my bank account in a very short time), how to network at seminars, etc. Above all, he does not make you fit
into a certain mold and instead tells you to NOT be like everyone else.”
Anita Ashland
Freelance Copywriter
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