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Full Version: [REQ] kiss Of The Dragon ?
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Hi There ?

Is any one know where can i find "kiss Of The Dragon" Traffic tool ??
I can see all kinds of blogs with tutorial and download - but, It is surveys!!!

Does anyone have it !? and would like to share...
I Did a search on the forum but i could not find it...

Will be very appreciate ;)

Kiss Of The Dragon AKA Jingling it's free from It's an exchange tools, your computer will visit site, and you'll have fake traffic to. depending on your hardware and network speed you'll be able to generate more than 10.000 IPs a day on one thread. Max is 6 Threads /IP, you'll have to create a sandbox or get a vps to have more IPs.

Complete tuto here :
Well Big LoL!!!
I thoght they are 2 different Tools... ;)

Thanks a lot for the reply!!
you were very helpful!

REP Added ;)
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