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Full Version: [GET] Heckler's Basic SERP Checker
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Hey guys and gals - I got bored earlier this week and whipped up a little program in uBot that checks what page your URL is on for a given keyword/phrase in "The Big G".

Saves me some time, so I figured I'd go ahead and share it here. Just input your keyword/phrase and domain you want to search for and hit "Run."

The program uses random wait times before clicking through to the next page so as to "humanize" searching. If your domain is wayyyyyy down on the list of pages then it will surely take some time, heh. Again, this is a VERY VERY basic program.

Enjoy :P

Mediafire Download Smile

Magic Button :

For the domain box, I just put "YOURURLHERE.COM" without the "http://"
thanks very good....
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