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Full Version: How To Get Anytihing You Want From Google
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Hay, you wonna get everything like a digital product,ebook,script,themes,template and more..?

Just use google backdoor like this

intitle:"index of" "parent directory" amember 4.2 -rar OR zip

Simple used, just copy texts above and paste in google search form, and change the keyword "amember 4.2" with your own keyword you want to get or search.
as you no :
i get much premium product from google back door with unick keyword

Dont forget to Add Rep if you happy with this trick
Hi Maya,
Superb Trick, I tried and it's working (Any niche) ;)
you know some way how we can get services in premium sites ? anyone?
how to download all files in a folder ?
Hi, RudhiMaya. Thanks for the spoiler
(08-20-2013 12:53 PM)sobabby Wrote: [ -> ]how to download all files in a folder ?
You can do this with flashget Click me!
Excellent..Thanks its working
Thank U so much......and it still working.
Thanks very much interesting share
thanks for this trick 5+ rep added
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