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if you like, Download some free AE files from my blog
Here are few free stuff that you can download

This is my first post...hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes....:)
Lame crap. Keep your download links on this site please and don't try to take members away and onto your blog!
ok, thanks for your input...i will keep in mind...:)!!!!
(08-10-2013 01:29 PM)sidrat Wrote: [ -> ]HELP Moderators

if you like, Download some free AE files from my blog
Here are few free stuff that you can download

This is my first post...hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes....:)
GREAT !! THanks !!
my pleasure zigistar....!!! relieved that atleast one member found it useful...i was cursing myself for posting the thread...!!!
Hi Sidrat
Welcome to BBHF.
people that make complains even on useful stuff are the ****ing leechers. Dont mind them.
Thanks Great Videos ++ Rep Added
Hi Detestable
thank you very much..seeing some positive replies is encouraging ...!!!rep added...!!!
Keep up the great share dude!
I love AE so much!
Are u able to help me to get the file I want if I request it from u? haha
Let me know which one's , if i can will be happy to share....Thanks !!!
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