(08-13-2013 03:25 AM)kalotupi Wrote: [ -> ]Bucket protected.."downloads" and "membervids" folder can't be accessed.
This is really simple... I am using s3 ripper, right now, to download what is available from the bucket that's been mentioned, above.
Steps to download this bucket:
1. Download Amazon s3 Ripper here:
Magic Button :
2. Install s3 Ripper
3. Start the app and add the name of the s3 bucket and the download location on your computer
4. select "ALL" to download
5. press start and it downloads everything in this unprotected bucket.
The real gems of this course are the online app and the support forum @ marketingeasystreet... though, the forum was just hacked and they have now CLOSED the forum to new users... you have to be approved, to join, and state the course you bought for access.