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id you know that stress and emotional pain is NOT caused by external issues, but by the battle between who you really are and the false ideas you’ve been brainwashed to believe about yourself?
Did you know financial problems are NOT caused by a lack of what’s coming to you, but a lack of what you’re allowing to come through you – because you’ve been conditioned to believe you’re not enough, don’t have enough, or need something outside to ‘complete you’?
Did you know most relationship issues (feeling unloved, unappreciated, resentful, alone) are directly related to being disconnected from your soul’s purpose – which is the seat of your self-worth, authentic power, and indestructible value?
It’s Not Your Fault!
You’ve been bombarded by messages from the moment you were born, telling you what you can’t do, who you can’t be, and what’s not possible – and, as a coping mechanism to protect this precious core, you began to close off parts of your authentic, powerful, brilliant, gorgeously outrageous self!
So is it any wonder that you’ve struggled to know who and what you are and the great purpose you were born for? And even when you’ve become aware of what might be possible, is it any wonder why you’ve had a hard time accepting your potential and really going for it?
Re-connecting to your Soul Purpose Blueprint – that divine DNA — and bringing your life back into alignment with it will heal those lifelong traumas, and re-integrate those buried treasures, so that you’ll never be a victim of circumstances again.
We Can’t Heal What We Don´t Feel,
So Let’s Get Honest For a Moment…
Are you sick of working a job that smothers your spirit?
Do you struggle to know what you’re really meant to do?
Do you doubt you have what it takes to make it?
Are you afraid of what others will think if you do?
Do you rarely have the time to pursue your passion?
Are you tired of not making a living doing what you love?

Sales page here


Download here

Rep+ Added azharenka, just like Natasha your share was great and quite expensive.
Thank you for sharing always.

Here is a ripped from post#1 link:
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It says in Proverbs, “Where there is no vision the people perish.”
It doesn’t say where there’s no vision ‘people have a bad day,’ or make
less money or can’t lose those last few pounds – no, where there is no
vision, people die, or at least feel dead inside and live lives of quiet
desperation. Having a clear, compelling vision is the single most
important thing you can do to create an extraordinary life. And you
can’t be a light in the world if you’re living in the dark!

Having a vision is vital whether you’re an artist,
entrepreneur, messenger, work for someone else – or want to find a job.
It makes you a leader, not a follower. It gives you the power instead of
looking to someone or something else for it. And in this first session
of the program, Derek walks you through the deeper understanding of
Vision, how it can radically transform every area of your life, and why
now is your time for living it fully!


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This program is unique amongst all other programs on purpose, in that, not only will it walk you through step-by-step how to
tap into your vision, design, define, and plan it, but it will walk you through all the core reasons most people can’t see, hear or sense into their vision – and help you break through those blocks and turn that blurry vision into a focused, crystal clear one.

In this session, Derek walks you through all the components of this comprehensive soul purpose process, taking you deeper
into the realization that everything you could ever need to fulfill it is already inside you now. This is the core of Derek’s teaching on the Law of Emergence and the Emergineering program.

What’s more, he helps you create a structure to get real results from this, to get real self-improvement instead of more SHELF-IMPROVEMENT— where you just make your shelf look nicer with all those program you never started or finished! (Of course, we know from the Emergence work that there is nothing to improve about yourself, but you get the idea.)

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If you don’t know where you’re going, every road will take you there! Here, you’ll learn how to tap into your divine destiny — that seed of greatness already planted in the soil of your soul — and begin to connect with, and communicate, it more clearly.

Applying this step alone will re-organize your life sopowerfully that you’ll begin to really know who you are and why you’re here. This is one of the most important — and least understood — success

Normally reserved for the best-selling Emergineering program, Derek has included it here as a special BONUS!


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If you have difficulty uncovering your vision, mission, or message, this in-depth session takes you through a proprietary process for excavating these hidden riches within you.
Before you try to make something happen to you, you must first discover what is trying to happen through you.

After this session, you’ll never be able to see your life in a limited way! Normally reserved for the Emergineering program,
Derek has added it here as a special BONUS so that you would have the
tools you need to go all the way!


Right-Click then Save As… To Download this file.
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In this session, you get to own your deepest desires like never before –
naming and claiming them fully in a process called The100% Dream.
Contrary to popular belief, it’s easier to achieve what we really really want, than what we merely think we can get. This process will
break you free from premature practicality and open you up to unlimited

In The Soul Purpose Profile you’ll discover that your destiny is literally calling out to you everywhere
you look — and learn a process for identifying and decoding these clues.
This process alone has helped many people around the world tap into their authentic voice and power.

Finally, we move into The Heartbreak Bridge,a powerful experience that allows you to identify those world issues
that matter most to you – clues to the deeper work you’re meant to do – and connect them to your unique soul signature, giving you a more complete picture of your Soul Purpose than ever before.


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In this session, you’ll be guided through the 12 Soul Purpose Archetypal Patterns to discover which one you are. Is it the Mystic, Messenger, Artist or Visionary? The Teacher, Healer, Activist, or Servant? Or the Creator, Builder, Marketer, or Leader? Maybe you’re a combination of several!

Unlike any archetypal work you’ve done, these patternsare uniquely part of your soul purpose blueprint. Understanding what
you are – and what you aren’t – is one of the most liberating experiences, and one of the most common reasons people get stuck and become stagnant.

This new level of clarity will end the struggle of thinking you have to be or should be something that you simply aren’t — and finally free you to give your all in being WHO YOU REALLY ARE.


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In this multi-part session, we get into one of the most unique pieces of this program – uncovering the core filters that
have been blinding you from seeing clearly and committing fully to the mighty mission trying to emerge through you.

From the Escape Fantasy, Parental Fantasy, Premature Practicality, and Delusions of Grandeur, to the All-or-Nothing Syndrome, Need-to-Know Syndrome, Values Conflict, or Shadow Block, these unconscious patterns sabotage your ability to hear your guidance, feel your power, and live your purpose.

In this in-depth process, you’ll go deep into these core patterns, pull them up by the roots, and finally unleash the
confidence and self-assurance you need to take your life to the next level.


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In this multi-part session, we get into one of the most unique pieces of this program – uncovering the core filters that
have been blinding you from seeing clearly and committing fully to the mighty mission trying to emerge through you.

From the Escape Fantasy, Parental Fantasy, Premature Practicality, and Delusions of Grandeur, to the All-or-Nothing Syndrome, Need-to-Know Syndrome, Values Conflict, or Shadow Block,
these unconscious patterns sabotage your ability to hear your guidance, feel your power, and live your purpose.

In this in-depth process, you’ll go deep into these core patterns, pull them up by the roots, and finally unleash the confidence and self-assurance you need to take your life to the next


Right-Click then Save As… To Download this file.
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In this final session, we’ll pull everything together into a comprehensive strategy for success. You’ll be guided to create Your Soul Purpose Compass – which will empower you to stay focused and on track — and your One-Year Plan, aka The Year That Changed Everything.

You’ll learn how to prioritize and create The Greatest Day of Your Life, over and over again — which will include Your Success Ritual, The One Minute Mystic practice to master the moment, and a technique for turning your to-do’s into to-dones!

You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of why you hit Thresholds that threaten to take you off course…and how to live more in your Zone of Genius. When you complete this session, you’ll be well on the road to true mastery!

But theres SO MUCH MORE in this life-changing package…


Right-Click then Save As… To Download this file.

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FREE Coaching Audio Session

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FREE Coaching Video Training: Give What Appears Missing

Watch the Video

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FREE Visualization-Vibration-Radiation Audio

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FREE Coaching Video Training: Quantum Planning

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Sign up here to Register for your Discounted Private Session. Normally $997 an hour, this very special bonus
allows you to have a private session with Derek for only $347, a full 65% off his normal rate.

But you must act fast, as spaces will fill up quickly!

*The Private Coaching Bonus is only available to individuals who are not currently in Private Coaching and
have not been for at least three months. This offer VALID for 3 months from time of purchase of this complete package.

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Get the Law of Emergence HERE!
Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved, Emerging Edge Media, inc.

thank you both so mucho
Wow-Great share-Thank U!!
Thanks for the share.
Super share @azharenka - Thanks a million.
has been removed can someone provide a mirror.
thanks for the downloads! Worked fine.
thanks for the downloads

rep+ to Akaski

both videos and of the private coaching client bonuses and the law of emergence links don't work though
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