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Full Version: [GET] LinkedInfluence 2.0 - Full course with Bonuses
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Thanks for the share
Thanks +5 for the share!
awesome sharing, 2x thumbs up~
Anyone have a copy of this they could share? I know its been a while and all the links are dead
too bad I was also too late. would appreciate a reup for those lucky enough to have a copy. thanks in advance.
Guys post #4 had working mirror links. I've just downloaded from the Solid File mirror.
Awesome, thanks onefineday, rep added
i know this is only , but does anyone have mirrors that work . Their all dead even the solid share
anyone have working mirrors? you realize how much has changed on LinkedIn since this was written?

for instance - you can only message 15 group members total per month
as of this past month they stopped "open" groups that you could immediately join

you have to be approved

fellow members are more likely to report if you spam, and multiple fake accounts spell doom

I know a guy who lost a large following cause he was a hard head and kept his business name and logo as his name/profile on his account. Linkedin removed him

I had to help a guy reclaim his LinkedIn account after he used one of the "we get you fans/connections" etc seller sites

JMO - look for the latest LinkedIn report (search this site by date) ...then go get familiar with LinkedIn's own help section cause things are constantly changing

JMO - I could tell u a lot of tips from the 1990's when the internet was fresh and new and not that many people knew how to get on it, there was was no google, you had to buy your own spyder or share one....when we first used html to make sites...when commission junction was a little choo choo train design site haha...and wow the early affiliate programs were great and paid well till more people joined and gamed them and got greedy

another piece of trivia....what is now "black hat" was the ONLY way to promote sites to try to get people to find them on the gamey early engines like dogpile, ask jeeves etc
stuff keywords...put keywords in "white" hide multiple domains and point them
join link farms and run your own link farm, get a "guest book" and post on guest books. Hell I even know how to reset an old counter - to make it look like thousands visited a site LOL

but...I would not use that in 2015...16....and I would not keep looking for old wso's on stuff that changes every few months
yes a sales wso might be more "evergreen" but social media changes way too fast
(and yeah I think I could still make an animated sparkly my space graphic haha)

Linkedin course from 2013 nope, just nope
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