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Full Version: [GET] Inspiration DNA 3.0 - Khai Ng
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It seems like their servers has been crushed... lol...

Any mirror would be much appreciated...
sorry for my stupid question: Why i cannot sell this books on auction site ebay ? any1 can explain me.
@tkminh2009 - The simple answer is, you can't sell it on Ebay, because they said so. Their content, their rights.

Although you could try it and report back what happens, yeah?
Hi, thanks for the share. It is Inspiration DNA 2, not 3.

What I don't understand is, the direct link that you shared named "Spoiler" is of their website and it is version 3.0 according to them but all the MRR stuff there is of Inspiration DNA 2. May be they have changed the Download pages! I have seen that the MRR titles/reports you have shared here are not available on those direct download pages. All I see there is DNA 2 content.
If you get Inspiration DNA 3, please share it as well.

Anyhow, many thanks for this share.

sorry for my stupid question: Why i cannot sell this books on auction site ebay ? any1 can explain me.

Read more @ : [GET] Inspiration DNA 3.0 - Khai Ng

It's up to you. I would suggest you not to do this at all. A big reason is the links/posts on ebay and other such sites are indexed on the search engines (including the big B Google). If a seller comes to know about his product being auctioned and he reports to ebay, following will be the consequences:

1] Ebay will suspend your account.

2] Paypal will limit your account.

So it is not a good idea to lose your ebay and Paypal accounts just for selling a few copies of this stuff.
Great share, thanks
God dayum. That was 20 gigs!
You can sell on ebay IF you put it on a disc and sell the disc. They allow ebooks if 'physical' but no longer via email download. So you can burn them yourself on your computer or do it via Kunaki.

(08-06-2013 08:35 PM)tkminh2009 Wrote: [ -> ]sorry for my stupid question: Why i cannot sell this books on auction site ebay ? any1 can explain me.
Thank you Greaaaaat share!!
and so who has the actual 3.0 package??
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