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Linkedin Dominator - The Ultimate Linkedin Marketing Software
PRICE: $499.00 PRICE FOR BBHF: $0.00

[Image: logo1.png]
[Image: banner.png]
[Image: Account_Creator.png]
Jump start with an account
To create an account, all we have to do is fill in a couple of details i.e. Names,
desired user name, email ids to validate your account and password of your choice. It will
automatically fire up a browser and starts creating an account. In fact you can monitor the account
opening progress and enter the code that is in Captcha Image
[Image: Proxy_Setting.png]
Proxy Setting
This is a second tab
on the tool is Proxy setting which guides you through the entire
process of “Profile Manager�?, allowing you to select pictures from specific location. Next
to it, punch in all the rich information about in a text file format from the profile folder.
Every detail you provide will be used for each LinkedIn account.
[Image: Linkedin_Scraper.png]
Linkedin Scraper
In here, we need to fill in the user code form and all the requisite information about
the followers you want to follow, you can monitor the progress in log sessions.
[Image: AddConnection.png]
Add Connection
There are following three different feature includes in this module:
(a)LinkedIn : LinkedIn feature can do LinkedIn with message file.
(b)LinkedIn : LinkedIn feature can do LinkedIn with specific keyword.
©Wait and Reply : Wait and Reply can help to
with interval (delay in seconds).
[Image: Status_Update.png]
Status Update
This is key factor to keep a check on LinkedIn account status, if the account is active or has been deactivated.
[Image: Create_Group.png]
Create Group
It is an ultimate
feature where you can unsubscribe from the followers you would not like
to follow and vice
versa, for the ones who don’t follow you page.
[Image: Join_Friends_Group.png]
Join Friends Group
“Start LinkedIning�?, one of another feature which a stop-n-start between two process giving a set of information
to load up simultaneously the software automatically starts the next phase of the requisite entry.
[Image: Join_Search_Group.png]
Join Search Group
This feature can do un follow users which we don’t want to follow. Also we can un follow users who don’t follow us.
[Image: Group_Update.png]
Group Update
This feature can create intervals between two processes.
We just need to fill intervals in minutes then software will
automatically stop for the period of time which we fill in intervals
after selection of LinkedIn OR Re LinkedIn fields (any one which we want
to do) and before press “Start LinkedIning” OR “Start Replying”.
Compose Message
This feature can do un follow users which we don’t want to follow. Also we can un follow users who don’t follow us

Please Mirror This [Image: 42rock.gif]
thanks emiljano! looks great.

Thanks and rep added emiljano :) and here is mirror
has anyone managed to install it? Seems like I',m not able to install it. I got an error
The shortcut it creates don't run the software not working :(
Magic Button :
Please click/press the [Add Reputation Button] near the [Thanks Button] (below right corner of every post)

Right after you click the thanks button, the browser will automatically refresh and unlock the hidden link(s)or content(s).

Please don't just download it.

Add more extra MIRRORS.

Reviews are much appreciated.

[Info on How to Add LINK PROTECTION]
1. The install folder does not have a program .exe, only a "licence manager.exe" and a "campaigns sth. exe"
2. The info .txt inside the install folder says Step 3: Click "Start LD", but there is no start LD in the installation folder.
3. The app shortcut when clicked creates just a folder named "Linkedin accounts" with an errorlog inside.
4. The app shortcut does not link to an exe, just the installation folder
(08-05-2013 04:41 AM)aallaabbaammaa Wrote: [ -> ]1. The install folder does not have a program .exe, only a "licence manager.exe" and a "campaigns sth. exe"
2. The info .txt inside the install folder says Step 3: Click "Start LD", but there is no start LD in the installation folder.
3. The app shortcut when clicked creates just a folder named "Linkedin accounts" with an errorlog inside.
4. The app shortcut does not link to an exe, just the installation folder
Follow this steps:
2.Replace the original licence manager.exe with the one inside the crack folder license manager.exe
4.Click Start LD.
In the ZIP there is not .exe file

I got this messege:

Error in License Manager Program.cs : Message : Could not load file or assembly 'ChilkatDotNet2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=eb5fc1fc52ef09bd' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. 8/4/2013 6:07:45 PM
Error in License Manager Program.cs : StackTrace : at BaseLib.ChilkatHttpHelpr..ctor()
at LicensingManager.LicenseManager..ctor()
at LicensingManager.FrmMultiServerLicensing..ctor()
at LicensingManager.Program.Main() 8/4/2013 6:07:46 PM
the program is not opening with the crack
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