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Full Version: [GET] NinjaGram (Working Instagram bot!)
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Pages: 1 2
NinjaGram Working Cracked Robot.

Download Link:

Virus Total Link:

Install note:

1. Install, but dont run the program
2. Copy crack to program files/ninjagram
3. Open program
4. Click update, and click close asap
5. Enjoy, but make sure you login with your account (options/account management, switch account, login)
6. DONT FORGET TO SET THE DELAY TIME AT 5 - 10 else you get banned and need proxy
(08-01-2013 05:20 AM)toorhamza Wrote: [ -> ]NinjaGram Working Cracked Robot.

Download Link:

Virus Total Link:

Install note:

1. Install, but dont run the program
2. Copy crack to program files/ninjagram
3. Open program
4. Click update, and click close asap
5. Enjoy, but make sure you login with your account (options/account management, switch account, login)
6. DONT FORGET TO SET THE DELAY TIME AT 5 - 10 else you get banned and need proxy
Doesnt work! It shows following and liking after collecting id's.. but it doesnt...
I tried it with one of my side accounts and it's working for me.
Ouh thanks for post, let me download and try now :)
could you crack the updated version for us please???
Please Re-Up..Links are down!
Download link is down. Please help!
please reupload on a new link since old one is broken!
please reupload
Please update the links
Pages: 1 2
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