Send me the password please
For your own safety guys, I suggest buying the license one. IT was updated now recently and it is far more functional than cracked one. REmoving any malware nd bug fixes, Cracked ones only are maintain on today. soon it will not be uipdated. I suggest buying one while it is still cheap.It will be your lost guys.:)
and i am even asking for coupon code. If you are interested in buying the latest one,then PM me so that i can give you the code and you can have discount
And i forgot to tell, if you are interested in coupon code,when sending message,kindly include your skype id so that i can also add you to their private discussions for future updates, changing of license and private discussions on skype.THanks
this coupon code can be apply also to twitter thunder
can I have a password? thx
can I have the password please
Did you guys not see the non-passworded version?
Anyways, shit works great, thanks OP.
Although the account-creator does not work
(08-02-2013 05:31 AM)tugay_gs Wrote: [ -> ]Ne uğraştırdın amk çocuğu ananı sikeyim senin şuraya şifreyi yazsan nolcaktı siktiğim cocugu
Hehe use English buddy!