This Might have been shared before (I don't Know for sure)
Gives 2,000 + Backlinks
Premium Page:
so cool much thanks ( i hope they dont close it )
Because you making it visible to the public, like you do now, is going to be changed and not working soon ??
good for nothing. Those backlinks came from whois, trackeback like sites.
(07-31-2013 03:01 PM)dumdi Wrote: [ -> ]Because you making it visible to the public, like you do now, is going to be changed and not working soon ??
Dude...those are regular Website Appraisal Sites like Cubestat and such...nothing secret about it! Freely available on the net!
Go to or bulkping or pinger and dont waste your time with this noob site!
PS. If you want to hide the link you use HIDE TAGS not a URL Shortener!!
I run a test, you are right.
so,is this working or not?hopefully someone can review it,because this is the first time i see it..
It works fine but not all your backlinks will be confirmed as successful because some of them are from pingmatic which uses manual work.Nice and it pings also so half of your work is done. You can copy the results and put in a file.Only 2000 backlinks however is the max.. You must have a keyword also. Not a Bad tool i Must say. Tested on my own website
Thanks For The Share Mate...Cheers!!!!
anyways tnx for this tool !!