07-29-2013, 10:24 AM
Excellent online marketing book - targeted to women but really general for all.
Official site (please see below, too):
Blog post from the author:
Launch page (for JV partners e.g. affiliates):
Direct download (please make mirrors):
Till the end of July 29th 2013 an order would give you two bonuses - "How to Make your First $100 Online Report a step-by-step forumla to generate revenues FAST!. Also receive Sell Thousands from any Platform – Discover how to sell on teleseminars, webinars and on the stage. This no fluff training program with learning guide, video, transcript and Q/A after you purchase the book."
While I don't need a printed book anymore ;) if someone will grab the Sell Thousands ... and share it that would be excellent. Or if you can hack a script at the first link to enter false Amazon receipt number (and temporary email address) which might get you to bonuses download page/links, not found by me. Enjoy!
Official site (please see below, too):
Blog post from the author:
Launch page (for JV partners e.g. affiliates):
Direct download (please make mirrors):
Magic Button :
Till the end of July 29th 2013 an order would give you two bonuses - "How to Make your First $100 Online Report a step-by-step forumla to generate revenues FAST!. Also receive Sell Thousands from any Platform – Discover how to sell on teleseminars, webinars and on the stage. This no fluff training program with learning guide, video, transcript and Q/A after you purchase the book."
While I don't need a printed book anymore ;) if someone will grab the Sell Thousands ... and share it that would be excellent. Or if you can hack a script at the first link to enter false Amazon receipt number (and temporary email address) which might get you to bonuses download page/links, not found by me. Enjoy!