Any One Have This Theme Please Share It!
that's 4 of us I think, just around $17 each if ya want guys
Anyone can start a GB please ?
See before you try to accuse, maybe you should read the posts especially post #18, do not judge me by your own crooked standards. If you can get it for $37 I'll send you the money now pfffft to think I thought I made a mistake when all I did was listen to an idiot
(08-08-2013 03:20 AM)benji Wrote: [ -> ]I DONT WANT TO MAKE ANYTHING OUT OF IT I THOUGHT IT WAS $67 FOR THE PRODUCT, maybe you should think of that before throwing accusations around!! at least I was making an effort
and you should of thought about going to the site and checking how much the product was ! and dont tell me you wouldnt of been happy with everyone paying you $17 you get the product for free and $30 profit pfffftttt check how much something is before asking for money