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Full Version: [IDEA] Donation button for certified BBHW crackers
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Hey guys, just an idea I'm throwing out there to possibly make the forum better.

Its pretty apparent that theirs only a "handful" of good crackers that recurring-ly crack and null the lastest software for us. We know its clean. They do it out of the goodness of there heart and all they really get are thanks and rep.

What if the selected crackers (verified by admins) had a little button under there name that allowed us to donate them some $ by paypal or something to them. That way we can show appreciation and add to the community.

I cant crack anything myself, so really the only thing i can do here is post, help members out, reply to threads, but ill never be able to contribute anything "worthwhile" because i cant crack myself, and digging up links for nulled software off 99% of the DOWNLOAD sites is bad because half the links on those sites are fake or contain viruses or just dont work. It would be a way for leechers to show a little love to the forum and the members that make it.

It would give the crackers a reason to spend time cracking "hard to crack software" or just in general cracking more/ posting more wso's, without feeling like they're getting used.

Just a thought.
It makes it a chore doing anything on this website, simply because it is EXTREMELY SLOW! This website is the slowest loading forum I use! Contacting an admin and getting your voice heard, is impossible. The higher-ups need to step up, and be around. Hell, I have been here a while, and don't think the real "Admin" is even around. I think its just a few mods that run this place for him/her..

I think your idea is a great one!

I think that those who contribute (crackers, contributors, ect.) should be awarded with a few things.

1) The signature is too short! While I can place a bunch in the signature, you run out of room fast if you want to use a couple different colors of text. The code for font color, font size, url, img, they all take up characters... So even a short simple signature can be a pain and you can't get it the way you want, simply because you run out of characters.

2) I think on our "Profile" page, we should be allowed to link to a couple of our websites with anchor text. Also maybe a custom notes or description where we can write our own message. Maybe 1000 characters allowed, and 1 or 2 URLs and IMGs allowed. So we can customize our profile page, and also use the page to help pass link juice to our own sites. That would also make some of us (like me) apt to drop a few thousand backlinks right to my profile page... thus helping BBHF and giving the forum more backlinks too!

3) It would be cool to allow us to have our own "Like" box on our profile page. Maybe even a way we can give the visitor a gift if they like our profile page. a "Like Lock" similar to the way "hide hack" is used.

4) Add "Like, Share, Retweet, ect" for the popular social sites like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, ect. So when we make our own Thread, we can "Like" that thread and it's shown on our Facebook. We could "Share" it on Facebook, where it would be a short message and link to our thread here on BBHF. Adding social networking options to our threads would help get our threads, and BBHF, more traffic! It would help it rank in Google by having more likes.. This is a MUST HAVE. BBHF MUST HAVE the ability to integrate Facebook likes! It would double its traffic in a few months easily! However, I don't think BBHF can handle the traffic because its already slow enough and their server sucks ass. I have mentioned this numerous times, and they don't seem to give a shit that their site is slow as piss.

The donation option is a good idea too... It would be cool to get random paypal donations here and there ;) In the meantime, if anyone wants to donate to me for my SENuke cracks and other things I do, I can hook you up with a donate link heheh
yeah,but i think the donations will be to low.

I think the idea to group buy cracks is nice too. easy sign up for me and built in api donations button.. slim verification and easy to sign up..I have used it. IT WORKS.
Well, if you want to help contribute to me, just upload your stuff to :)

It's my site. I own it. Stuff uploaded there should stay up for a long time.

And yes, there's [Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD] on it, but it only shows up once every 24 hours (Lala told me that's ok), and I've set it up to honour adblock, it won't show up if adblock is detected.
99% of ppl who download cracked softwares or nulled scripts are having no intention to pay even $1 for those things thats why they search for free stuff. Expecting donation from such ppl is the stupidest idea i ever heard on a blackhat forum.

But nice try to motivate crackers may be some crackers will come out expecting to make some money with his/her skills.
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