07-21-2013, 06:15 PM
Launch Date: July 30th at 11am EST!
100% Front-End Commissions to JVs
100% Front-End Commissions to JVs
What's the product?
Hi, my name is Mike Thomas, but you might know me as "Mike From Maine". I'm the host of a show at MikeFromMaine.com.I've interviewed over 150 successful online entrepreneurs since
September, 2012, and I've noticed one thing: they all have a product to
So, I decided to interview eleven super-successful product
launchers (see pictures in the header) about the product launching
The product consists of a membership site with:
- A launch "Cheat Sheet" covering the most important parts of the launch process
- 11 video interviews

- 11 audio interviews
JV Page
Direct Access (Review Copy)
Magic Button :