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I think it's not only about LSI anymore. Google now know all kinds of variations to a word too, so you might use past/perfect forms of verbs or plurals for nouns and it will still match it with the basic search phrase.

So, writing for search engines only will trigger penalties. If you write in an engaging and interesting style, people will react much better to your content - and this means your keywords don't necessarily need to appear a lot in your articles / posts.

So, the plugin will look for word variations, probably (if it's well designed) for synonyms and LSI words too. It might ringh alarms if a key phrase appears more than twice exactly in the content, description, tags etc..

Cheers, Johnny63
hey, johnnyshadow63, i would like to have this plugin too, looks great! Welcome

or just anyone else who happens to be able to share this, would be very appreciated, thanks in advance! Heart
willing to do group buy
Hey, anything new about it? Did anybody get his hands on it?
I agree with "x2generation" above, and a Group Buy for the developer version might be a great idea, if there is no nulled copy around.
I think we can try SEOQuake instead of this plugin: publist a post, turn on SEOQuake, go to that post url, click on Density Function and get the result. If it's not the result you expected, try update the post and check again.
Yes the "Keyword Density" option of SEO quake does a very similar job as the P1 plugin but also gives you a bit more detail about 2, 3, 4 word keyword terms and their density. Plus it tells you if it is used in Title, Desc, H1....

Now who really knows if the P1 plugin pulls from the Webmaster tools API or not and even if it does....It is going to take the same if not more manual work to get a pages content to line up with what you want the post to be targeting in terms of the webmaster tools keyword list.

Not that this type of thing is not useful but with the free option be available, I am not sure why you would purchase the P1. Since the rest of the P1 options are available in much better plugins.
If somebody want, maybe i can share this wp plugin. Maybe ar next 2 week's. But still don't understand what benefit it will do for my brand new website. I'm non-english man so if somebody can explain me sale's page of p1 formula by easy way and on number's i will be please for it
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