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Full Version: [Get] My SECRET WEAPON for running a multi-million $ business and still having a LIFE!
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+rep appreciated if this thread was helpful!
process based businesses are successful in long-term

everyone knows that but here the big problem is how is going to invest in software and building these complicated processes
Thanks ashwin77, +++REP.
I think like you Kuzmanin,

The main idea sounds good but...too much money to invest without be 100% secure of the return..... and this maybe can scare a bit.
Thanks...+REP added

You don't need epensive software for running a business.
You can - however - use the templates given in any good outsource software, like outveo, freelance manager etc.

The fun is - you can sell any business with such a "procedures and guidelines" collection easily.

...and a WARNING at last: Businesses WITHOUT proper systemizing tend to fail fast. Taking the time to systemize processes pays out big later!

Cheers, Johnny63
If someone has this laying around on a hard drive somewhere ....would appreciate a re-up....thanks in advance...
re up will be good, thX
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