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Thanks a lot Akinakus! I actually requested this in the request section. Dude, you're like the flash, so quick. Great share!
You absolutely must have their Deal software to use this method even though they say you don't. It's woth having though it's pretty good.
PDF is damaged... thanks though for the share ... :-)
(07-19-2013 04:44 AM)irfan2011 Wrote: [ -> ]Mirror just in case
TYVM irfan, for that mirror ..
Download report: archive includes sw (have not tried an install yet)
PDF is not damaged in FreeFileViewer
(07-19-2013 12:47 PM)cashcowboy Wrote: [ -> ]You absolutely must have their Deal software to use this method even though they say you don't. It's woth having though it's pretty good.
What's the name of this Deal software? Thanks
Here's 10 more mirrors, I noticed several of irfan's mirror sites are now saying "Not Available".