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Jarida is a Clean Responsive Magazine, News and Blog Template

Jarida 1.4.0 Responsive WordPress News, Magazine, Blog

Jarida Responsive WordPress News, Magazine, Blog

= Version 1.4.0 - 18-06-2013 ========================================
- NEW FEATURE: Reviews for pages.
- NEW FEATURE: Support Content column in the middle in the pages.
- NEW FEATURE: Support shortcodes in AD widgets .
- Updated : Theme functions to use Twitter Api 1.1 .
- Improved: Elastic Slideshow Slides Images ALT .
- Improved: Lightbox Next/Prev arrows.
- Improved: Body background with Full Screen Background option.
- Improved: Content width for the full width posts/pages.
- Improved: Site title and tagline typography options.
- Fixed: Time Ago Format bug.
- Fixed: Footer Social icon option.
- Fixed: post head videos conflict with the main nav on IE .
- Fixed: Timeline page comments.
- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.


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