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Full Version: [REQ] $21,863.7 In 30 Days Part Time…By Creating Products That Sell Themselves
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MikeMarin;8286701 Wrote:[INDENT]
"Watch Me Bring In $21,863.70 In 30 Days…By Creating Products That Sell Themselves In 48 Hours or Less"
[size=10] [size=10]Now is your chance put the secrets used by the most successful product creators, only known by an elite handful of “insiders” to work for you (Even if you're not an expert)…[/size][/size]

It's Hard To Wake Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed When You See That In Your Email Inbox!

[Image: good-moodproof.jpg]

Dear Warrior,
The fact that you’re reading this post tells me something about you.

It tells me that your looking for ways to make more money.

It tells me that you want more.

When I started online 5 years ago, I was in the same situation, I wanted more, more money, more time, and more freedom but I was confused.

Let’s face it, there are sooo many different options when it comes to making money on the internet (Affiliate Marketing, CPA, Kindle Publishing, Youtube, Offline, etc) and so many con artist. (selling you on loopholes, junk software and plugins, gimmicks, and fads)

But let’s get back to reality

No matter how you spin it, money is a reflection of the value you provide to others.

As Zig Ziglar said...

[size=10]“If you help enough people get what they want in life, you can get everything that you want”[/size]

[size=10]It's because of this one of the the most valuable things you can do is learn to create valuable information products for others. Information products that teach people how to move towards pleasure and get out of pain. Information products that leverage your time so you can be out enjoying life.

And the big fancy guru's seem to agree, the one commonality they all have is they create their own information products. [/size]

Look at the Eben Pagan, Frank Kern, Brendon Burchard...all multimillionaires....all with their own products.

Product creation is the biggest shortcut to online success...period!

Sure there are a million and one ways to make money online but take a look at some of the amazing benefits of product creation.

[INDENT] 1. FREE and Passive Traffic (When you become good at creating products that sell, affiliates will beg to promote your products. They'll send you endless amounts of traffic, FREE and 100% passive.

Just imagine, no more trying to “game” Google, no more babysitting Facebook or ppc campaigns, no more risking it with banners ads or solo ads.

2. A Buyers List (Everyone knows the money is in the list and as a product creator you get the list of BUYERS. Not only that, if your product is good they now have a relationship with you, and to correct myself the money is really in the "relationship with the list".)

3. Expert Status (Product equals expert, write that down. The quickest way to expert status in any field is the create your information products...books, newsletters, etc.)

4. Control and Security (If you're an affiliate what happens if the product creator decides to pull his product off the market? Same with CPA...If you're a SEOer or youtuber what happens if Google changes their algorithm? When your a product creator you are in control...heck you can even sell your products face to face or by direct mail if you want. This is an evergreen skill)
[/INDENT]I could keep going but before I go any further I would like to introduce myself.

My name is Mike Marin. Some of you may know me from my previous bestselling WSO’s like the "Video Conversion Cash Machine" or "The One Man Freedom System".

And some of you may know me as marketing strategist and copywriter who specialize in the art and science of online persuasion. My clients have included Top Clickbank marketers like Travis Sago (“The Magic Of Making Up” which has a gravity of 209.77), Big Direct Marketers like Dr. Tom Orent, and Dan Gallapoo …as well as Millionaire Real Estate Investing Guru’s and Multi-million dollar companies like FORCE FACTOR®.

Anyway, here’s why this is important for you?

Because I just created a new course revealing a step by step blueprint ANYONE Can Use to create info products that sell themselves in 48 hours or less.

And when I say anyone, I mean ANYONE. This is a simple paint by the numbers approach that works...

  • Even if you are a complete wet behind the ear newbie, without an idea

  • Even if you are not an expert copywriter or salesman

  • Even if you don’t consider yourself an expert or authority in any subject

  • Even if you don’t have a mailing list, affiliates or traffic

  • And Even if you don’t have deep pockets

[size=10]Introducing the Info Cash Blueprint[/size]

[Image: ICBBox-400.jpg]

The Info Cash Bluepint is an (advanced) money making course that teaches you a system for generating massive profits in 48 hours or less by creating products that sell themselves and manufacture raving fans[size=10].

[size=10][size=10][size=10]This is NOT your usual WSO. It's not a hit-and-run, get-rich-quick report that promises overnight wealth and (maybe) delivers just a few useful tips. Rather this is a complete Newbie Friendly System for making massive amounts of cold, hard cash in the shortest time possible by providing real value to the world.[/size] [/size]

In this system I hold NOTHING back.

Here’s a glimpse of a FEW secrets you’ll discover inside the info cash blueprint…[/size]

  • [size=10][b]How To Create Products That Sell Themselves (Even when your not an expert!)

  • Why some books sell new for $20 bucks and some sell for new for $1,000,000 (And the subtle difference between them and how you can use this psychological principle to charge higher prices)

  • The 7 Product Creation Roadblocks - and how to overcome them. (Once you discover some of these counter-intuitive "mental tricks" you'll be able to create information products faster than you ever dreamed possible.

  • The 24 Hour Expert Cure - Not an expert? No Problem! I'll quickly sow you how you become an expert in ANY topic in less than 24 hours in the context of selling advice)

  • The "Stealth Conversion" Machine used to turn $7 buyers into $500 even $5,000 clients

  • How to present and package information for maximum perceived value (KEY POINT: humans do NOT know how to value information so you must teach them)

  • How to use the "Gap Method" to quickly establish yourself as a lead and authority in your market

  • "The Raving Fan Formula" - 15 elements to "build-in to" your products that will create raving fans

  • How to get nearly unlimited FREE traffic by creating they type of products affiliates love (The best part is you won't spend one red cent on advertising and this really will create auto-pilot income)

  • The #1 big secret behind EVERY bestselling product. (It's a commonality included in every winner, yet so few people include this vital element in their product)

I could go on and on with this.

But know this, that’s just a small taste of what’s in this course, and we haven’t even scratch the surface on all the tips, strategies and ideas inside.

Here's [size=10]what the course includes

  • [size=10][b]Plug and Profit “Info Cash Blueprint” Training Videos [/b](this is a the “meat” of the course and is [/size][size=10]2 hours and 48 minutes of pure action packed content you can START WATCHING immediately. You will be able to hack into the energy, insight, and creative mindset that has taken me from collecting unemployment to a highly paid marketing strategist)

  • PDF’s of all the slides (For quick references)

  • MP3’s of the videos (just in case you’d like to load them into your iPod or MP3)

[size=10]Wait, How Is This Different Then All the Other Courses Out There?…[/size]

Good question, I understand that chances are this is not the first course you've seen on product creation, so here's the major difference.

Most "dumb" marketers view their product as a neccessary evil in order to get money but smart marketers view their products as "relationship tools".

99% of the courses out there just teach you how to quickly create products. They have titles such as 12 hour product creation or overnight production.

The Info Cash Blueprint teaches you how to build info product that build trust, which leads to a relationship with your customer, which leads to equity, which leads to wealth, which leads to freedom in security.

Because as good as the money is, what is really nice is the freedom and peace of mind that comes from knowing you have a group of people waiting to buy your next product.

As John Lennon from the Beatles said, "If I want a new swimming pool, I just will write a new song". That's because he had a a group of raving fans.

So the bottom line is the Info Cash Blueprint not only teaches you how to quickly create a product that sells itself but also how to create raving fans and the "income at will" position John Lennon talked about.
[size=10] Feedback From My Previous WSO's[/size]

[size=10] [size=10]What’s The Catch?[/size][/size]

This is a special offer ONLY for members of this forum and it will only be available at this deeply discounted limited ti[size=10]me. After that, this crazy low discounted introductory offer will end and the price will go up.

This limited time introductory offer also include the time sensitive warrior exclusive bonuses. Once you see these bonuses you’ll understand why I can’t keep everything at this ridiculously low price very long.

But I’m not trying to scare you with any scarcity non-sense. I want to give you a fair warning that the cost of this will be going up very soon.

[size=10]But there's more…[/size]

I’ve also decided to “sweeten the pot” for warriors. For accepting my offer in addition to the Easy Info Cash Blueprint I’ll also include 2 KILLER bonuses to help you make money even faster.

[size=10]Fast Action Bonus #1: Overnight Traffic Stampede[/size]

The Overnight Traffic Stampede is an online training system designed to give you a complete proven blueprint for driving massive amounts of buyer traffic fast.

It’s based on a proven time tested method that Cory has personally used for years now to make a fortune online. And in this training you’re going to see exactly how he does it.

Here are just some of the things you’ll learn inside...

  • Discover how to turn ANY struggling internet business into a money making machine by delivering endless amounts of FREE traffic daily. (Best Part: Every cent you make is pure profit!)

  • A simple way to get all the FREE traffic you ever need to earn 6 figures+ a year online.

  • How you can increase your chance by getting free “natural” back links from this little known source. It’s a simple strategy, yet very few internet marketers, even veterans, have ever heard of this.

  • Why the common guru answer of “pick one traffic source and master it…is fatally flawed” (Hint: The worst number in business is ONE)

  • How to solve your traffic problem once and for all. (Clue: It’s not your fault rather a common lie you’ve been over and over again by people who only drive traffic in their imagination)

  • Why learning SEO tricks and tactics is a silly waste of your time and energy….just look at what happen to the “tricksters” during Panda and Penguin updates. (There are incredibly better and more effective ways to get FREE traffic…once you know the secret!)

  • How to tap into large “starving crowds” of prospects who spend like sailors on leave…and how to siphon off hungry buyer type traffic from these overlooked sources in the next 24 hours!

  • The fastest known way to get a flood FREE traffic without JV Partners or an email list. (I hate the word push button because it sounds like hype…but this traffic is literally “push button”)

    In this 45 minutes training, you will get the answers, the mindset, and the tools you need to start to drive more targeted traffic, increase your online profits….and create the dream lifestyle you desire for yourself and your family.

    PLUS: After this training, you will:

  • F – I – N – A – L – L – Y have a clear answer to the question…How do I get traffic? You’ll know exactly what steps you need to take to …instead of being overwhelmed and confused.

[size=10]• Fast Action Bonus #2 [size=10]- Pareto's Shortcut Copywriting Course[/size]

In the 46 minute audio I show you how to apply the 80-20 rule to the copywriting process so even if you are just starting out you can write killer sales copy.

I know copywriting may intimidate you. You may thing you can't write. But I promise you at the end of this short training you'll be armed with eveything you need to know to sell your info product.[size=10][size=10][size=10][size=10][size=10][size=10][size=10][size=10][size=10][size=10]

[size=10][size=10][size=10][size=10][size=10][size=10][size=10][size=10][size=10][size=10][size=10][size=10]Fast Action Bonus #3 : Live 1 Hour Q and A Bonus Webinar

As a special bonus to warriors you’ll also get access to a LIVE 2 hour Q and A Webinar on tuesday the the 23rd of July. ThereI will be interaction with direct question from you and others on how to implements these secrets immediately.

With that sai[size=10]d...[/size]

[size=10] What would a system like this be worth to you?[/size]

I’ve personally invested tens of thousands of dollars (and more importantly my time) on my entrepreneurial education, attending seminars, personally working with the top marketing experts and gurus, and testing these strategies with my own personal clients to make sure they work.

So, here’s how it works:

In a few, short days this off will be pulled off the forum and this will be sold for $197, so if you want to get it, GET IT NOW!

[size=10]For Warriors ONLY, and ONLY for a few, short days you can access this entire system for [/size]

[Image: btncmbo_34281.png]

That, friend is a bargain of a lifetime. What’s more, the money is actually irrelevant, because…

[size=10]You Also Get A 60 Day NO Risk[/size]
100% Money Back Guarantee!

My guarantee is simple. You have a full 60 days to try it Risk-Free. If you’re not happy for any reason or no reason at all, just PM or shoot an email to my customer service team and we’ll refund every penny.

[size=10]Don’t Wait![/size]

This special offer is only available for 7 days. After this[size=10] the price will go up!
Due to the extreme value of the content inside the price will be increasing at random intervals. If you wish to access the “Info Cash Blueprint” do so NOW . The price you see is the lowest you will get.

[Image: btncmbo_34281.png]

[size=10]Here’s The Deal[/size]

You can continue to struggle making money online, converting traffic into sales, or even worse wasting your time picking up one bright shiny object after the other


You can grab this offer right now, risk-free and receive:

• Component #1 - Plug and Profit “Info Cash Blueprint” Training Series –7 videos explaining each step of the system (2 hours and 48 minutes of pure action packed content you can START WATCHING immediately)

• Component #2 – Rapid Results Quick Start Video

• Component #3 - Mp3 Recording of All the Videos

• Component #4 - PDF’s of all the slides

• Fast Action Bonus #1 – The Overnight Traffic Stampede

• Fast Action Bonus #[size=10]2
Pareto's Shortcut Copywriting Crash Course - How to apply to 80-[size=10]20 Rule to create killer copy[size=10][size=10]

You get all this for a special low price of

[Image: btncmbo_34281.png]

And even at this massive discount, you are still covered by my 60 day risk free guarantee.

Now, alot of people get skeptical. Why would you share all of this stuff and why do it for so cheap?

Well, first it takes absolutely nothing away from me. This system works in ANY market.

And second, I remeber what it's like to be confused. To not know what to do. Interent marketing is like a jigsaw puzzle. SEO, PPC, CPA Offline, Affilaite Marketing, the list goes on. It because of this I wanted to share with you what REALLY works.

You will not regret buying this. Hit the buy now button and within 2 minutes – you will be watching and discovering how to create products that sell themselves in just minutes. This may just change your business and life like it has done for others.

This is Mike. And I want to thank you for reading this page

Mike Marin,

[Image: MikeThomasPic.jpg]

P.S. With the limited nature of this offer and all the extra bonuses (like the bonus webinar) I’m giving you, it just makes sense to get this right now.

P.P.S This WSO is backed up by a 60 Day Full Guarantee

So here's the deal, try out the Info Cash Blueprint for 60 days, and if your not happy with it for any reason (or no reason at all), send me and email and let me know, and I'll give you an immediate 100% full refund. And you can keep the Info Cash Blueprint too, because let's be serious, I can't make you un-download it from you computer.

So, you really can't lose with this.

You truley have everything to gain and nothing to lose!

Click the “Buy-Now” Button and I'll see you inside.
Reference URL's