Posted this in the other thread but ill put it in here too... idea how Ive suddenly become public enemy #1..
Any of you in my shoes would also change a URL if it gets shared if you sold a product. If i dont take those links down then my affiliates think im giving their sales away on these forums. So, I have no choice. But once a file is shared I consider the game over and quit playing and let you have it.
I have been around the BH forums for around 3 years. Not to steal products but because I learn a lot that doesnt get taught in places like the WF etc.
I have also met tons of cool guys on these forums that are top quality programmers and SEO guys. Ive then gone on to JV with a fair few of those guys from this forum and more often BHT.
I also give out advice when I can and always answer PMs when people on here ask me questions. In fact, a couple of guys PM'd me asking for this plugin, so I gave it them as a review copy.
Also, I didnt pay for VIP here at all. I was given it for free for helping people out. So Ive never paid for a VIP to try and "spy", thats just a load of shit.
No idea who this CopyMyCash is but he seems to have decided he doesnt like me and is saying all this shit about me. Thats cool, that happens when more people know you, more people dont like you too, its part of the game.
Ive launched more than 30 products in the last 2 years, some good ones, some not so good, but I have never once asked for a link to be taken down, not on this forum or BHT. The reason I come back to these forums and keep trying to help people out is partly because i meet smart guys that are experts at what they do, but partly to try and keep on good terms with people that are going to share my stuff no matter what I do, so I try at least make sure they are not sharing download page URLs or getting into my S3 buckets so that it costs me money, once they get the file, if they host it theres nothing I can be bothered doing anymore.
So, to CopyMyCash, no idea what your problem is but if you decided Im a "MOTHERFUCKING EWHORE GREEDY ASS" (whatever that shit means) then cool, you carry on doing your thing, and ill do mine.
To the rest of you, same thing applies as it always did, if you like any of the stuff I ever launch, a few lines testimonial is always good, if not no worries. And if I can ever help with anything, advice, or your one of those smart guys that have awesome product ideas then you can always send me a PM.
After this post, if you still think I'm some kind of evil, greedy, lying GooRoo then basically...I dont give a F***! :-)
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