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Full Version: [Get] How You Can Turn $10 To $1,000 Easily! (PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS Included for FREE!)
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OK I get my hand On the the week 3 and 4 of these modules
I have leeched all the PDF but not the videos because no time.
I hope someone will do and upload Mirror.

HUrry as it will be closed

REP+++++ are welcome!!

Here is my quick review

It seems to be a fraction of the whole course as I can't find all the modules.

Week #3 contains several pdf files and videos about List-building and Solo ads.
It also includes WP Optin 2.0 plugin to create sleek squeeze pages + videos on
how to install and use that plugin.

Week #4 is all about getting traffic and promotion:

1. Article Marketing for Traffic
2. Article Marketing for Affiliate Promotion
3. Creating And Distributing Reports for Marketing
4. Using eBay for Affiliate Marketing

There are no videos, only PDF and Word docs.

If you are a complete newbie you may find some basic stuff to start with.
The OP, thanks for sharing the links Cool
do another best
This is not correct download for WSO. The WSO is about selling domains and it is one video.
The WSO is $2.70 currently, just buy it FFS :p
(07-12-2013 05:55 AM)buckmaster Wrote: [ -> ]This is not correct download for WSO. The WSO is about selling domains and it is one video.
Quite right

Here is the correct direct view video page:

Watch and then learn to avoid anything put out by Patrick effing Chan't-do-it!

We're here to expose WSOs like this before you have to fork out your hard earned cash!!!
This guy talking.......Jesus, I would rather stick a pencil in my eye, and swirl it around than hear him talk ever again!

Thanks for the share!
WTF ??

This about buying .me domain for $0.98 and sell for $600.

When he wrote "about 2 weeks opportunity" I thought he meant some kind of trends happening in some strange niche.

Who is paying more $10 for .me domain?
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