This is ridiculous, 3 pages of requests, why don't the admin make a request button similar to FB's like button instead? this will save bunch of time for users/viewers/forumers to browse through useless pages just to read about bumping for requests, bumping 4 requests, bumping 4 requests and more bumping 4
(10-02-2013 07:55 PM)charlesking88 Wrote: [ -> ]This is ridiculous, 3 pages of requests, why don't the admin make a request button similar to FB's like button instead? this will save bunch of time for users/viewers/forumers to browse through useless pages just to read about bumping for requests, bumping 4 requests, bumping 4 requests and more bumping 4
If it's ridiculous to you,

Buy and

Share it..
That way you solve this

Bumpy Puzzle !!!
i went ahead to buy this to share here - so firstly this isn't a software so no need to crack ..thankfully. anyway rep if you like it.
app here :
Videos here :
(10-03-2013 12:26 AM)holymoo Wrote: [ -> ]i went ahead to buy this to share here - so firstly this isn't a software so no need to crack ..thankfully. anyway rep if you like it.
app here : Videos here :
Bro you're freeking awesome!! Thanks