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NOTE: Backlinks Simplified launches on July 17th. To receive early
bird access at the lowest possible price PLUS gain access to some
INCREDIBLE bonuses not offered anywhere else, get on the waiting list

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Quote:Attention Online Marketer:
Are you happy with your search engine rankings? Have you recovered from
the recent Google updates? Are you prepared for the updates that are
RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER? You knew there were updates coming, right? If
you're ready to revolutionize your search engine rankings, then keep
reading and...
[b]"DISCOVER THE EXACT LINK BUILDING SECRETS That Regularly Build 6 Figure Businesses and Keep The Google Update Monsters At Bay"[/b]




Originally Posted by Adamw This report truly is an SEO</acronym>
game plan for 2013 and beyond. It features some revolutionary ideas
that will see you through any Google update later this year and beyond!
Highly recommended!
[Image: waiting-list.gif]

Quote:Hello Warriors,

You know, there's a reason Google keeps using animal names for their unfair and sporadic updates.

It's a freakin' jungle out there.

If you have ever tried to rank a site for a keyword that was actually worth ranking for, you know how insane it can be.

One minute you are happily resting on page one, getting traffic, making money, and building your business...

The next, your site has been pushed so far down the page rankings you can't even find it.

And the worst part is that Google doesn't even play by its own rules! Just look at this headline from a major SEO</acronym> publication:

[Image: GoogleLinkScam.png]

If you think that SEO</acronym> is a fair fight...

Think again.

May the odds be ever in your favor.

Yeah right. Google, like any good casino, has gamed the system. The house always wins.

The only way to rank in today's CRAZY SEO</acronym> atmosphere is by sticking to a few core link building strategies.
  • Strategies that are solid.
  • Strategies that work.
  • Strategies that have been tested.
If You Aren't Using Tested, Solid Strategies - Then You Better Get Ready For The Coming Storm...
Quote:You thought Panda was bad?

That was nothing.



Those were small updates. One timers.

[Image: MattCutts.png]

Google is getting ready to make many more updates in the coming weeks...more updates than ever before.

Are you ready for it?

Maybe You've Heard The Doomsdayers... SEO</acronym> IS DEAD!


No. Not even close.

Multi-million dollar companies like SEOMoz will still be in the business of getting rankings 6 months from now. (They wouldn't have just opened a second office if they weren't.) But here's the good news... So will you if you keep reading.

You see, SEO</acronym> is just a game with a set of very strict rules.

Sure, the odds are against most. But that's simply because most people don't know the real rules.

Once you learn how to play by those rules, winning is easy.

Most people think the rules look something like this:
  • Rule #1: Thou shalt work thineself to the bone trying to get 1 or 2 links.
  • Rule #2: Thou shalt then give up and spam 5,000 blog comments.
  • Rule #3: Google shalt reward you with rankings.
Does that sounds familiar?

I wish SEO</acronym> were that simple, but you and I both know it's not.

If it were, then you wouldn't be reading this right now. You would be
lounging on a beach somewhere sipping an expensive drink, clicking
refresh on your PayPal account every 5 minutes, just watching the money
roll in.

But you aren't.

And it isn't your fault.

The problem is that most product creators and WSO</acronym> sellers care more about selling their product than ACTUALLY giving you a hand and SHOWING you how to do it right.

Even if it means that they get you to buy products for systems that they have never personally tried themselves.

So you buy product after product with complicated, untested, short-term
strategies, and then start blaming yourself because your site is tanking
in Google.


7 months ago I launched a product called "Keywords Simplified". It was
my attempt at teaching people just like you how to rank in just DAYS
with my super simple keyword training.

I thought a handful of people might find it helpful.

Instead, what happened was this...

[Image: wsotheday.jpg]
And Now I'm Back To Launch You Into Success AGAIN With My Proven Yet Simple Backlinking Guide
everything you thought you knew about ranking and get ready to
simplify, and scale up your link building to heights you never thought

Backlinks Simplified
The One and Only Link Building Course You Will EVER Need!
  • STOP Worrying About Google Penalties.
  • No More Wasting Time On "Scam" Methods Pushed On You By Money Hungry Product Sellers.
  • Erase The Confusion Of What Links To Build, When, How And Why.
  • And FINALLY Get The Traffic Your Amazing Content Deserves!
Here Are Just SOME Of The Modules You Get With This Course:
- Pandas, Penguins and Zebras! Oh My! -

Learn how to bullet proof your SEO</acronym>.
Google can throw all the zoo animal updates they want at you, but if
you are using the methods I am going to teach you - you can rest assured
that your online business is standing on solid ground.

- The Backlink Building Secret Of The Pros -

Instead of just "imagining" what it takes to get to the top of Google, I
will expose the #1 secret that BIG time sites use to get and keep their

- How To Build A Ton Of Backlinks -

We are all strapped for time. Nobody wants to spend hours building links
that get taken down, stripped or even hurt our sites. That is why I
have included 60+ of my FAVORITE, rock-solid link building techniques.
You can pick and choose your favorite methods, and start building high
powered links TODAY!

- Building Your "Dream" Link -

I am going to teach you one of my favorite link building methods -
building "Dream" links. Using my 6 part wish list system of link
building, you will be able to build the PERFECT link to give you EXACTLY
what you want - rankings, traffic and long term durability.

- Different Link Building "Buildings" -

There is more than one way to skin a cat, and Backlinks Simplified was
designed to help you decide which method of building links works best
for you. I will take you through 6 of the most powerful link "Buildings"
that I use on a regular basis and make a case for each. All you have to
do is pick one that sounds fun to do and watch your rankings soar!
Cool Derek, But Does This ACTUALLY Work?

Not only do the methods in this guide work - but they were created to
fulfill some REALLY strict guidelines that I set for myself.

If a method didn't fit within those guidelines, you won't find it in the training.

The Strict Guidelines Of The Backlinks Simplified Formula

All of the methods outlined in this product are meant to:
  • Be simple, easy to use and effective.
  • Be able to survive future Google update.
  • Be able to work for old sites AND new sites.
  • Work for sites with thousands of pages of content AND sites with just a few well written articles.
  • Work fast.
Whether You're A Beginner Or An Expert, There’s Something In This Course That You Desperately Need
Quote:If you want to make money online - get rankings fast and watch the traffic and income pour in.

If you want to build a solid online business - get those same rankings... AND KEEP THEM!

I honestly want you to be successful.

But it is up to YOU to make the decision to get the RIGHT training that will turn you into the success that you want to be.
Click The "Buy Now" Button Below and Change The Way You Make A Living!
[Image: waiting-list.gif]

Stop following the advice of "SEOs" who are unproven and untested...Who only want you to make THEM money.

Backlinks Simplified is about making YOU money.

It's about making YOU money by teaching you how to build backlinks the RIGHT way.

This is your business - NOT your hobby.

My Rock Solid Guarantee

A lot of people trying to sell you stuff SAY they want to help you.

They SAY that they created their offer for YOU and that they just want
to make you a better person, but they never get around to actually DOING
any of that.

Well, I am so committed to your success, that if you buy Backlinks
Simplified and apply it's methods 100% and don't see major results - I
will refund your money 100%.

But don't worry, you have 30 days to test it all out.

Choose your future with one click...

[Image: waiting-list.gif]

Thank you for reading this letter and I wish you all the success in the world.

To YOUR success,
Derek Thomas

- I certainly don't want you to buy based on this alone, but...There
are secrets within Backlinks Simplified that other product creators are
charging $97.00 for.

With a value like that, backed by
my rock-solid guarantee, you LITERALLY have NOTHING to lose and
EVERYTHING to gain! What are you waiting for?

No need to WAIT until July 17

Get it today - courtesy BBHF!!!




(Mirrors included)



Please feel free to ADD REP+ if you like this...

good job man! rep added.
Wrong thread.
(07-08-2013 01:22 PM)ccpp11 Wrote: [ -> ]Geeze, this dude's servers must be powered by hamsters, lol. BTW, this course is apparently from 2011 because it references Google Farmer, which happened in 2011, and it tells you to use the Google Wonderwheel, which hasn't been available for about 2 years now. Still not a bad strategy though. A good way to start a curation model site where you blog about not only the weather but other events happening in that area too.

Think you must mean 'The Weather Man'?
(07-08-2013 01:55 PM)MisterY Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-08-2013 01:22 PM)ccpp11 Wrote: [ -> ]Geeze, this dude's servers must be powered by hamsters, lol. BTW, this course is apparently from 2011 because it references Google Farmer, which happened in 2011, and it tells you to use the Google Wonderwheel, which hasn't been available for about 2 years now. Still not a bad strategy though. A good way to start a curation model site where you blog about not only the weather but other events happening in that area too.

Think you must mean 'The Weather Man'?
Yeah, wrong thread. Definitely meant The Weather Man, lol.
Thank you, +++REP.
6 figure with backlinks...simple way?

only in some teenage dream
Here is one big question. "Why in the hell would be a 6 figure income guy be selling WSO?" REALLY? I mean why would you ever sell and tell someone your method if those people were to be added as your competitors? Obviously, this guy who so called to have discovered a simple of way of 6 figure income is basically just a troll face whose been in weeds for several days. I'd rather go with something real simple, noob methods to earn a small buck rather than this time wasting WSO.

I find most of the Warriors Products are just basically shit and it already spread in the world of money making like the plague. This WSO's should be burned along with their respective writers. Why in the heck did I even bother to open this thread oh F*** the file - cancel the download - too late! I'll just put it in the recycle bin and delete it permanently, I'll reinstall Windows if I have to.
Thanks, I was just looking for something to help with backlinks :-)

...that's exactly what this forum is about - exposing the get-rich-quick WSOs for what they really are.

This way we can sort the wheat from the chaff without putting cash in the pockets of the WSO mongers.
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