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Full Version: [GET] Download 500000 Google Keywords (inc. Data)
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Just download it
Download the 500,000 row keyword list here
ps. Inevitably this is a big file, you’ll need Excel 2007 to open
1/2 a million rows or you could use a decent text editor like
Ultraedit. Do not attempt to open this file in Notepad or you’ll be
there all day
what is it???
what exactly is this? keywords for scrape? best adwords keywords?
Edit: Wrong posted
Is google will close keyword toll ????
(07-16-2013 06:17 PM)smart-seo9 Wrote: [ -> ]Is google will close keyword toll ????
yes, soon it is going to Confused but replaicng it with a new tool named - Google Ad Palnner

bw/ Google Ad Palnner is already live :)
This is a sweet data set.

How old is the data.
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