07-06-2013, 07:26 AM

For People Who Want To Create
High Quality Content Easily...
![[Image: jsig.gif]](http://contentforever.com/details/img/jsig.gif)
I'm going to ask you to pay a lot of money for one single PDF
document. No bonuses, either. This is a rather "meaty" PDF... the longest I've ever written.
If you're ready to "risk" this investment... then I think you will realize in less than 5 minutes from your purchase...
that it was one of the smartest investments you have made all year.
My name is Jason Fladlien, and recently...
We broke our shopping cart...
![[Image: broken.jpg]](http://contentforever.com/details/img/broken.jpg)
How? We exceed 500 products in that cart. Out of the tens of thousands of people who probably use this service...
we were the first to accomplish such a "feat."
When we contacted their support, they replied - "We never figured anyone would go over 500 products." Well, they figured wrong.
If there is one thing I know to be as close to guaranteed, for sure riches in this business...
it's being paid to create content. I call it premium content.
Being able to create this premium content has perks,
such as:
- I've been paid by the article for thousands of articles (this transformed me from a $12 an hour, 350 sq. ft. apartment dweller to six figures in 13 months)
- I've mades several MILLION (yes 7 figures) from my paid products
- I've made as much as $106,000 from something that took me 35 minute to write that was only 1,194 words
- I've written video scripts that have generated - from scratch - over $100,000 in less than 48 hours...
- I've done webinars that added $152,198.23 of money into our PayPal account by the end of the webinar...
- Name the content format... I've done it... mastered it... profited from it...
And most importantly
systemized it!
Let me ask you an important question...
What's the best format to sell your content in?
Answer: It depends. On What? First, your own personal taste. I have sold at least six figures in each of the following: PDFs, audio
products, video products, consulting, group coaching, eClasses, and even physical products.
Often times what dictates my format is what I feel like doing at the time it comes to transform my ideas into big, fat piles of money.
Second: Ease. Related to the topic of your content, which is the easiest for you to bang out your premium information? Hilariously, I've
sold how to write sales letters via ONLY video. I've taught webinars techniques via only the written word. Same with video marketing through a PDF. :)
If you do it right...
it doesn't matter, you will succeed...What's the best format to sell your content in?
Answer: It depends. On What? First, your own personal taste. I have sold at least six figures in each of the following: PDFs, audio
products, video products, consulting, group coaching, eClasses, and even physical products.
Often times what dictates my format is what I feel like doing at the time it comes to transform my ideas into big, fat piles of money.
Second: Ease. Related to the topic of your content, which is the easiest for you to bang out your premium information? Hilariously, I've
sold how to write sales letters via ONLY video. I've taught webinars techniques via only the written word. Same with video marketing through a PDF. :)
If you do it right...
You just want to succeed as quickly, easily, painlessly, and simply as possible. Lots of money. Little time. Littler effort.
Here's another question - do you have to be an expert to sell premium content?
Answer: Yes. That's good! Because you can become an expert, following my advice, in no time flat. Let me pose a scenario. You observe there are thousands of people struggling with something that you think you can solve with a few hours of research and messing around.
So are you willing to "sacrifice" a few hours to then turn around and be able to sell several thousand copies at $99 a pop?
I hope you said yes.
Let's switch gears. I want you to examine the following business models with me...
Search Engine Optimization Based Businesses...Here's another question - do you have to be an expert to sell premium content?
Answer: Yes. That's good! Because you can become an expert, following my advice, in no time flat. Let me pose a scenario. You observe there are thousands of people struggling with something that you think you can solve with a few hours of research and messing around.
So are you willing to "sacrifice" a few hours to then turn around and be able to sell several thousand copies at $99 a pop?
I hope you said yes.
Let's switch gears. I want you to examine the following business models with me...
![[Image: searh.jpg]](http://contentforever.com/details/img/searh.jpg)
Search results have been heavily favored by content. The content bias is not as strong as it used to be, but it's still there.
Even more important these days is "activity." That's what Google wants. You know what brings activity like no other?
When you discover how to take something and break down and explain it... in a way.... almost no other supposed "guru" in your market can.
That gets Twitter in a frenzy. That lights up Facebook. That gets people begging for more of you... and willing to spend money to satiate
that thirst.
Master content and guess what? You accidentally get search engine benefits... and that's the way it should be.
Optimize for humans and the computers follow.
Affiliate Based Marketing...
Recently Wilson Mattos and I won the biggest affiliate contest of the year.
Yep, we beat every single major super star in the Internet Marketing game.
![[Image: contestwinner.gif]](http://contentforever.com/details/img/contestwinner.gif)
This wasn't the first time we did that this year, mind you. When it comes to making money referring people through an affiliate link to a
product where we get paid... we're stone cold masters.
Want to make the most money as an affiliate?
The answer is to create content. Lots of it. In every single instance, I compiled a better bonus package than all my competitors.
Now, I do have a large reach, but compared to some of the competition we were up against... I had in most cases LESS of an audience within my reach. But I had better bonuses...
While the gurus were recycling their last product as a bonus for the sixth time this year... I was creating brand new content at the drop of
the hat... allowing us to win contests and even win a contest prize of $50,000... on top of the commissions we received.
Any affiliate marketer is at a severe disadvantage if they aren't a master at content.
Paid Traffic Generationproduct where we get paid... we're stone cold masters.
Want to make the most money as an affiliate?
The answer is to create content. Lots of it. In every single instance, I compiled a better bonus package than all my competitors.
Now, I do have a large reach, but compared to some of the competition we were up against... I had in most cases LESS of an audience within my reach. But I had better bonuses...
While the gurus were recycling their last product as a bonus for the sixth time this year... I was creating brand new content at the drop of
the hat... allowing us to win contests and even win a contest prize of $50,000... on top of the commissions we received.
Any affiliate marketer is at a severe disadvantage if they aren't a master at content.
![[Image: cash.jpg]](http://contentforever.com/details/img/cash.jpg)
All advertising works at the right price. Example: if I had access toa jet with unlimited fuel... and a printing machine that allowed me to print as many fliers as I wanted for free...
Then I could simply fly over cities, throwing fliers out of this plane and THAT would work!
Until I discover such a plane and printer... I'm left with the next best thing - the more targeted the advertising, the less expensive it is.
In other words, if I want to get your attention in a crowded place...I could yell "hey you!"... or even "hey you in the red baseball
hat!"... Better though would be if I just called out your name.
Well with the right content creation approach, you can call out any profitable niche by name... getting higher click thrus at less cost per click... and most importantly significantly improving your conversions.
The reason why most people fail with advertising is because they try to fit square pegs into round holes. They want a "one size fits all"
approach because they are too lazy or naive to understand how to use the right "Content Bait." Oh well, their loss, YOUR GAIN.
Are you getting excited yet?Then I could simply fly over cities, throwing fliers out of this plane and THAT would work!
Until I discover such a plane and printer... I'm left with the next best thing - the more targeted the advertising, the less expensive it is.
In other words, if I want to get your attention in a crowded place...I could yell "hey you!"... or even "hey you in the red baseball
hat!"... Better though would be if I just called out your name.
Well with the right content creation approach, you can call out any profitable niche by name... getting higher click thrus at less cost per click... and most importantly significantly improving your conversions.
The reason why most people fail with advertising is because they try to fit square pegs into round holes. They want a "one size fits all"
approach because they are too lazy or naive to understand how to use the right "Content Bait." Oh well, their loss, YOUR GAIN.
I hope so. When I share my content strategies, it's usually in some fancy whiz bang format.
For example, we've sold countless people at $497 a pop for my "Product eClass" training. For our Webinar Legend Training, we had many
people take us up at our $999.95 price point - and were HAPPY they did, because it was a great investment for them!
I am probably the foremost expert on content creation... and chances are if you bought a product from someone else on it... I could find them in my customer records - because they probably learned it from me.
That's why you'll agree that for just $99.95 - to get ALL my content creation secrets in one place... even though they're housed in "just" a
PDF... it's a ridiculous bargain. Of course, the catch is that I may raise the price at any time, so you need to act today to guarantee you
get this low price.
What Is For example, we've sold countless people at $497 a pop for my "Product eClass" training. For our Webinar Legend Training, we had many
people take us up at our $999.95 price point - and were HAPPY they did, because it was a great investment for them!
I am probably the foremost expert on content creation... and chances are if you bought a product from someone else on it... I could find them in my customer records - because they probably learned it from me.
That's why you'll agree that for just $99.95 - to get ALL my content creation secrets in one place... even though they're housed in "just" a
PDF... it's a ridiculous bargain. Of course, the catch is that I may raise the price at any time, so you need to act today to guarantee you
get this low price.
Content Forever?
![[Image: wordcount.jpg]](http://contentforever.com/details/img/wordcount.jpg)
It's 73 pages. 20,383 words. No filler, all killer. It's without a doubt, the great thing I've written... which says a lot considering how prolific I am with content creation.
Every single page will give you an "ah ha" moment... an insight on
what you've been doing wrong and how you can instantly correct it.
You'll walk away with a new found confidence that will translate intosuccess... even if you've previously failed 300 times at making money
online. That's the past. This is the NOW, and by taking action on this training, you'll create an amazing future.
Check this out...
Every single page will give you an "ah ha" moment... an insight on
what you've been doing wrong and how you can instantly correct it.
You'll walk away with a new found confidence that will translate intosuccess... even if you've previously failed 300 times at making money
online. That's the past. This is the NOW, and by taking action on this training, you'll create an amazing future.
Check this out...
Here's what you'll discover
just from pages 4 to 8...
The exact roadmap for turning a complete stranger into a raving, paying fan!
Oh, We're Just getting started!- The real purpose of any premium content... this eludes almost everyone... yet once you understand this your marketing, sales, and your LIFE will immediately, dramatically improve! [page 4]
- The Psychiatrist's Dilemma, and why almost no one can create "content that changes behavior"... and the secret of how you can
instantly tap into this vein of wealth that even eludes supposed experts! [page 5] - Two key things your content will revolve around... no matter the format or even what the content is! (99% of content misses
these two things completely and that's why there is mostly just 'noise' out there...) [page 5] - The exact roadmap revealed of how you can immediately turn a complete stranger into a raving fan of your content from a single
encounter (this is were the short term and long term wealth is!) [page 6] - The Amazon Trick! I show you a powerful, secret tactic I use to immediately create more engaging content than even million dollar
blockbuster best sellers (with before and after examples!) [page 7 - 8)
God I love that last little bullet you just read. That alone is worth the price of admission for the whole Content Forever training.
By the way, I just used one of my content tricks on you - where I hit the ground running and immediately in the first few pages of Content
Forever give you more value than 99% of "complete" a-to-z courses give you. And I show you how to do the same.
In the next pages, you will discover: Engineer situations where ANY outcome leads to a positive result
Wow, we're cooking! By the way, I just used one of my content tricks on you - where I hit the ground running and immediately in the first few pages of Content
Forever give you more value than 99% of "complete" a-to-z courses give you. And I show you how to do the same.
In the next pages, you will discover: Engineer situations where ANY outcome leads to a positive result
- The "Go First" method of content... and how to use this to make even the most mundane topics... like chalk... ooze with excitement,
which then transfers to your audience! (A more excited customers is more likely to buy again and tell their friends, too!) [page 9] - My "conscious hypnosis" method... step-by-step... for how I slip into a state of "content creation excitement" - forget waiting to
be inspired or motivated when you can take this "mind drug" and immediately induce these positive effects and more! [page 9 -11] - Systemization once and for all - how to design your systems for your various content creation strategies so you can make content creation automatic and of the highest quality![page 11 - 13]
- Positive Double Binds Explained - this is where you consciously engineer situations where ANY outcome leads to a positive
result. Once you master this, you can do this in your own life as well as in others - like you customers for example! [page 13 to 15] - Example in action - my copywriting system broken down to serve the dual purpose of showing you a system in action (with a double bind!) and teaching you the best copywriting formula in the world [page 15-17]
- The $30,00 dilemma - an example of how someone sold $30,000 worth of products but had zero success or even use from his
customers... (And how you can avoid this fate, which impacts your reputation and even your mental wellness!) [page 18]
We're not even a 1/3rd of the way through yet and look what you get!
Which is incredible because we haven't even discussed these things yet:
One of the most important Which is incredible because we haven't even discussed these things yet:
- How to obtain perfection by being imperfect intentionally 20% of the time
- The fallacy of decision - how the mental attitude you adopt going in will drastically affect the quality of your product, the
results you customers get from it, your refund rate, your confidence, and your good name! [page 19] - Slippery 'Value' - what you think is likely "value" is actually not... instead, creating and providing value through your
content is much more elusive... until I reveal exactly what real value is to you. Amazing![page 20-22] - What my personal favorite content "medium" is... and how to find, discover, and use your own pet favorite (you'll love this because
it would double your productivity and that's only the second best benefit!)[page 23] - The 5 key benefits of using PDFs for your content... plus the 4 potential drawbacks (knowing the good and bad alone helps you
immediately improve your communication ability!) [page 23-25] - The 3 criteria for choosing the best medium to present your content in, to get the highest price and maximum value... [page 25]
- The three phases you'll go through when it comes to working with outlines for your written content (eventually, you can throw your
outlines away all together!) [page 26] - A secret for writing a "bunch of crap" that ends up actually being better quality than even some of the most respected content creators in your field [page 27]
content concepts ever...
...is the outline! It is what allows you to "create without pausing to think!"
However, what's the secret behind generating these simple, powerful outlines effortlessly? Well...
Audio Content Specific Secrets...However, what's the secret behind generating these simple, powerful outlines effortlessly? Well...
- The "skeleton" you can use for every. single. piece. of. content. that you'll ever create. Ever!
- An exact outline dissected so you can see the actual process (this is an outline to a six figure product, by the way...) [page 29-32]
- 8 amazing questions you can ask that will generate "six figure content" outlines in no time flat! (includes fill in the blanks...) [page 32]
- How to easily tie up all "loose ends" with any content... so you don't have to worry about what is and isn't included! [page 33]
- Why I break down almost every paid product into modules... even if I don't call them that (this is a double beneficial move... you'll see why...) [page 34]
- How to get into the "state of flow" and "zone" of content creation as easily as putting on a pair of pants [page 35;36]
- How to block out all external and internal distractions that are currently robbing you of a six then seven figure lifestyle [page 37-40]
- "Workflow," "logical break points," and the three levels of paid content explained... [page 40 - 41]
Here's a taste:
Video Content Specific Secrets...- the 4 benefits of "audio only" content and the 3 negatives to avoid (knowing this means you're already 80% of the way to success!)
[page 42-43] - The single goal for every type of audio content ever created... and how to master it and use it immediately for success! [page 43-44]
- Speaking ticks - from "channeling your inner Barry White" to mix-matched tonality, and "Betty White's Underwear"... you'll
immediately improve your speaking! [page 45-46] - The 3 things you can do as soon as you finish reading these pages to improve communication in all walks of life... [page 47-48}
'Free' Premium Content Secrets...- The only 4 ways to use video if you want to get rich (this simple approach equates to accelerated success!)
- Full motion mastery - how to create talking head and live action videos like a pro (we tackled the technical aspects, the
delivery, and the "speed creation" aspects...) [page 50-56] - How to create PowerPoint and Keynote presentations like a pro- including how I made several hundred thousand from free software and essentially "blank" PowerPoint master slides (plus how to make your outline into your presentation AT THE SAME TIME! [page 57-59]
- Mind maps explained! The only 5 things you need to know about mindmaps, plus the 6 simple enhancements you can make to any
mindmap to transform it into a high piece of valuable content [page 60-64] - Screencasting for profit: when to use screencasts, the exact goal of each and every screencast, "region management" explained, and more! [page 65 - 68]
Most of the content we talk about is premium PAID content. This section deals specifically with using certain types of content for
traffic and lead generation...
- The single purpose of every single piece of free content you'll ever create (it's not what you think!) [Page 69]
- The one state of mind you must leave every single consumer of your free piece of content in... (if you want to make money!) [page 70]
- O.S.S. - the final piece of the puzzle as I share with you the most powerful "free content outline" I have ever developed [page 71-72]
Check It All Out On My DIME
![[Image: guar.png]](http://contentforever.com/details/img/guar.png)
Sign up now. You get 30 days to go through and use this stuff. If youdon't think you've gotten ten times the value of your investment today,
here is where you go to ask for your money back.
You'll get it, too - promptly and with no questions asked.
I only want to accept your investment if you're happy with it. Cool?
So sign up now...
Secure Order Form
Yes Jason! I'd like INSTANT access to Content Forever!
Also I understand that I'm 100% covered by Jason's iron-clad, no-nonsense money back guarantee
![[Image: buy.gif]](http://contentforever.com/details/img/buy.gif)
Price today: $99.95 Note: I reserve the price to increase this at any time!
![[Image: jsig.gif]](http://contentforever.com/details/img/jsig.gif)
P.S.: Even though it's just a single PDF, the value compared to your small investment is amazing...considering I usually sell my info
product creation secrets at $497 (Product eClass ) to $999.95 (Webinar Legend ) a pop! So get in while you still can at this super low price.
Current Price: $99.95 but for BBHF, Exclusively 100% FREE
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SHA256: dce83b0ca139ca4176266a21c8ed5ae84577ecaf7abafd33a3fa94512bbec312
File name: ContentForever.pdf
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Analysis date: 2013-07-05 21:15:49 UTC ( 0 minutes ago )
I found this useful so i bought this for you guys.

Now i am sharing it to those who cannot afford to buy it.

Well if you found it useful then how about you guys bought it and support Jason Fladlien