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Full Version: [GET]Twitter Mass Retweet and Favourites
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Alright, Since no one shared a tool for doing retweets and favourites and the old tool i shared is not working any more i decided to create a new tool to do the work.

[Image: Mass_Retweets.jpg]

as you can see in the picture everything is clear but i will explain a little bit to avoid you any possible confusion.

the proxies and the account's you are going to use to send the retweets should be in a text file.
the account's should be formated as USERNAME:PASSWORD each one in one line.
you should load the proxies and the account's by clicking on the buttons and selecting the txt files.

in the tweet links you should post the link of the tweet where you want the retweet's(you can use multiple links at the same time just by pasting them one in each line) and example of the tweet link (

then you should click on generate links button and finally click start.

the number of threads depends on you internet speed.

sometimes when the tool is working in the status column you might see FATAL ERROR this mean that the proxy tried to access that account is dead to solve that wait for the tool to finish and then you can go and remove the successfuly terminated line and then click the reassign proxies button , it will randomly select another proxy and assign it to that account to try to make it work.

and now downloiad and enjoy (if you have any question or need any help just contact me on the thread)

Magic Button :
You're just becoming my soulmate ! Works perfect ;)

EDIT : Only one thing : i've tested it with 97 accounts, the bot also informed me about 5 suspended accounts (perfect tools mate!)
BUT only 4 threads are getting stuck on : "thread started". Don't know why it's the only accounts that get stuck.

So can you tell me how to delete lines without restarting the whole program ? Tried right clic, and select all the lines and "delete" button on keyboard. So how do you delete the lworking tasks to jsut re-assign the failed ones ?
(07-02-2013 02:33 AM)misnar Wrote: [ -> ]You're just becoming my soulmate ! Works perfect ;)

EDIT : Only one thing : i've tested it with 97 accounts, the bot also informed me about 5 suspended accounts (perfect tools mate!)
BUT only 4 threads are getting stuck on : "thread started". Don't know why it's the only accounts that get stuck.

So can you tell me how to delete lines without restarting the whole program ? Tried right clic, and select all the lines and "delete" button on keyboard. So how do you delete the lworking tasks to jsut re-assign the failed ones ?
Hi sorry for the late in the answer

anyway when it's stuck on thread started or a fatal error or something that mean the proxy used to login into that account is not working

to delete the rows to make it just simpler for you sort the account's by status you can do that by clicking on the status column up in the grid
and click in the starting of the row to select it you can select multiple lines at the same time by ctrl + clicking or shift + click

that's all i wish i made it clear for you
Can you do a youtube video? please i dont understand... thank you.
nice tool brother...
Multi-mirror links:
(09-03-2013 11:25 PM)leopardsn0w Wrote: [ -> ]Multi-mirror links:
Thanks for the mirrors
Can you explain how to use it? :/ mine always says Fatal error :(
(10-13-2013 01:24 AM)zayn008 Wrote: [ -> ]Can you explain how to use it? :/ mine always says Fatal error :(
Brother, You will need a proper Account List of twitter, The text File Contains nothing to be honest ! Use proper proxies and proper accounts and you are done !
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