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Full Version: Automatic captcha; my hack babies using Captcha B.
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I cannot consider this a very good software, probably 10% worse than captcha sniper, though, I did not use captcha sniper

[hide]well guys, just download it from
it is called captcha breaker and install, write somewhere the date of first installation, then run, when demo expires, or you have 500 captchas done, restart the statistics, then when demo is over, just return the windows` clock to the date of your install choosing any day from 5 available, run the prog. and then when is open, return the clock to the correct date and run your prog. that can work with this and it goes, and so on, you can update it woth no problem, just returning on the clock to the 1-2-3-4-5 day of install and delight it.[/spoiler]

Press THANKS to unlock it, it worth of it man.
Demo please?
on the site on the right, there is a line, where you see every application, just click on the name I told nd download demo there and enjoy.

I hope to do the same way with captcha sniper, who has the latest demo to post, what is the name? captcha sniper 4 o 5 o 3???

Onlt then I can tell, what is better.
Can either this or CS solve mollum captchas and ascii captchas?
GSA captcha breaker trial -_-
(07-01-2013 09:51 AM)xuber Wrote: [ -> ]Can either this or CS solve mollum captchas and ascii captchas?

I did not use cs, I do not know, before to get this, you need to check you prog. to see if it is compatible with the name of this application.
see you guys chill very with my perfect post.
[url="http://bigcash.>>>[[[Reported by Members as Spam Site]]]<<</index.php?referral=910642"][Image: sig.php?id=910642.png][/url]
I see you guys very happy with my post, I also find this site very well, though, 5 progs. I downloaded are like fake or expired.
(07-03-2013 06:46 PM)fauzan12 Wrote: [ -> ][img]/status/sig.php?id=910642.png[/img]
Reported for Spam! Happy Ban!
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