06-25-2013, 07:13 PM
Quote:Hello Clickrs, I am proud to announce our all new, Click Exchange Bot!
This bot is basically a pool of a d f .l y links were NOT allowed here!!! links, the bot will automatically work on it's own and click for you.
This is an excellent way to earn automated money.
The more people participating in the click exchange, the more money you make!
There is also a chat included in the bot for Clickrs members to communicate.
Note: You must have points for your links to be clicked.and in order for you to get points you must keep clicking yourself!The first 100 users will receive 500 points when CEX reaches 1000 users!
Download: [hide]http://ge.tt/9OufABk/v/0[/hide]
Mirror: [hide]http://www.solidfiles.com/d/f58e6890cb/[/spoiler]
Virus Scan: http://>>>[[[Reported by Member...t;/1787a8a
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CEX - a d f .l y links were NOT allowed here!!! Bot - Auto Pilot - Clickrs Official Click Exchange Bot