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Full Version: New Youtube Views bots updated in 22-06-2013
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Pages: 1 2
[img] kljds[/img] [Image: 200.png]

Bot Name is : FastYoutube

STEP 1 :
[Image: Step1-300x169.jpg]STEP 2:

[Image: Step2-264x300.jpg]STEP 3:

[Image: step3-265x300.jpg]
Quote:Go ( File > Minimize ) To Minimize the Application to taskbar
Very Simple Solution and Very PowerFul

[Image: download-now.gif]
im not getting any points
By Singup you will get 100 points and then you can run the application and press run to start collecting points. Also , no not forget to add your video from your control panel.
how much views can i get?

and where do i put my video?cant find control panel
You can unlimited number of view per video ( it depend on application user). We not allowed Proxy IP's so, we deliver clean traffic to your website.

** You can login then go to
You can add new video , edit , delete.

Also, we provide fast method of collecting points like do Surveys and Offers.

Thanks for Your Registration.
Sultan ( Owner of FastYoutube )

You ask for fast support using :
This is actually a good idea you have here. like to make a big bot network of "real" natural views not just proxies. Cool
Any video tutorial to this bot?
Thanks PRT for your interest.
smart-seo9 we have no video tutorial yet ( soon it will be available)
Seems to be working

Wow, let me try it.

Thanks for sharing!
Pages: 1 2
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