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Full Version: [GET] Autopilot Online Success Local Trainings [Prospecting + Sales Process + Client Process)
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Source Autopilot is being pushed rather heavily right now. It's a subscription to an autoresponder business with some special training and a Sendpepper account with a fulfillment packaging through Super Simple Outsourcing (another front end to Endless Rise.) So it's a package of a number of services with 6 preset campaigns. Most of this you can easily set up yourself. I found a back door to his training videos here:

Magic Button :

Local Training

Prospecting System Training (Doomsday process)
Magic Button :
Business Beast Training (JV Prospecting System)
Magic Button :
LinkedIn Prospecting
Magic Button :
22 Clients Part-time (LinkedIn + Networking Groups)
Magic Button :
12K in 30 Days
Magic Button :

Sales Process
Consultative Selling Approach Training
Magic Button :
48 Hour Advance Method
Magic Button :
Client Process
Monthly FollowUp and Retention

I was mostly interested in his "Doomsday" letter and the training covers that.
I think it's a pretty good system, just don't see paying a premium for it
The Webinar was horrible- took 30 minutes to get to the meat of the thing and then everything is over in about 20-minutes more.

Hope you find it useful somehow! Love
Hey chikiri :-)

Awesome stuff!
I've seen a very similar tear sheet letter in Frank Kerns materials.
He made it look much more like from a paper, with some pics of nice girls strategically placed to attract the eyes of the (mostly) male biz owners.
The message conveyed was he same - you could close your business by next year...

Cheers, Johnny63
great share!
thanks, I will leave a review soon!
Can anyone tell me how to get these videos to download I have tried everything and nothing seems to works

Really appreciate the help even my Real Player won't download them
Firefox has an addon that can snatch them for you when you play them. It's called Video Download Helper. There are many alternatives that do the same thing for firefox and chrome or even standalone but that is the one I use. You can get it here:

Has anyone been able to actually find the Doomsday Letter to download and edit?
I used Chrome with this addon
Work so well with multiple downloads - BUT not Youtube...

I use the TORCH browser, for YouTube vuds- its like Google chrome, but you can download videos easy.

Bump on the letter - anyone find one?
Agreed....can't seem to find the letter...
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