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Full Version: [REQ] Hot Niche Firesale
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PLR/MRR products on the WP niche. Is someone able to share?

These guys always sell their firesales at $27 then the oto is full resale rights and bonuses for $98. Anyone find this?
Hi All very clever crackers has anybody manage to find this for us
Erm seems that the product is HOT.

Hope some one could get us a copy and see the full potential of this product.
Bump! The firesale has become a "crazydeal" Wink

Can anyone share this?
looks super-awesome :)
Lately, been off of here for awhile just popping in once in a great moon and these four leechers remind me part of the reason why. All four have been here since 2012 and as you can see, they have a combined rating of 29... 29!!! Yet they are the first ones to be asking for bumps and so forth on here, always gimme, gimme, gimme but for the most part never contributing themselves. SMH Mad Slap
Some on the BBHF Forum are downright outright leaching chancers
What's the prob, Rob? This thread is dated 2013.

The only reason I looked at this is because these guys are having another "Hot Niche Firesale".I thought this was the new one.



last visit - today

12 REQ threads from 2013 to Present

95 posts and a couple of mirrors


last visit - 9-17-2015

1 thread and 6 pages of posts for GET and REQ threads


20 posts

last visit - 2-15-2015

no threads only posts


65 posts

last visited - 8-24-2012

Leechers? Two haven't been here in a while and the other two at least try to be a part of the interaction.

By the way - welcome back!
Better for all if people contribute and not just post asking for stuff or saying thanks or bump, just my opinion and we all must start some where but?
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