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SenukeXCr Version 3.1.3 Release, Released 6/7/2013

Ticket 2554: Projects not closing when they are finished.
Ticket 2571: Wordpress mdoule reporting failed submissions when they arent
Ticket 2550: Error when using turbo wizard
Ticket 2589: Unhandled error when updating PR of sites in account creation project
Ticket 2587: SItes showing incorrect PR
Ticket 2599: PR of sites not being saved
Ticket 2588: Turbo wizards inserts random default anchor text in profiles
Ticket 2604: Projects appear to be closing but are minimizing to the system tray
Ticket 2574: User added sites not saving success rates
Ticket 2608: Articles being submitted to wrong category in wordpress module
Ticket 2611: importing/exporting URL List if the Anchor Text contains a comma
Ticket 2612: Acount creation project 2 ran first

Updated success rates for Social network, Article Directory, Google Places, RSS and Web Profile.

Plus the usual site fixes/changes/additions

Based off changeset #5320

Magic Button :

1. Run your SenukeUpdater
2. Replace senuke u have just downloaded

If you get any error plz reply here with last file 2013xxx.log.txt in senuke folder.

great share Phumap thanks


Thanks PHUMAP +rep added!
Can you provide the portable version,please,thanks
good job,so,far,well done mate
this is updating so fast!
great share .............i need portable version ..................i lost my previous file .............can anyone share this ..........
thxs..Great stuff ,..good job,well done mate Smile
Senuke XCr 3.1.2 Portable

@ dolth thats version 3.0.99 according to the dl file
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