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Sales Page:

"16 Of The Most Effective Copywriting Formulas Revealed!"
Formula #1 - My headline formula that instantly grabs your prospect's attention and literally forces them to start reading your copy. Skip this, and it doesn't matter how good the rest of your sales letter is - hardly anyone will even bother to read it. (Don't worry, I even provide templates to get you started and make certain you get this right.)
Mastery Of Words Archived Results #4:
Doubled The Conversion Rates... Just Changing A Few Words In The Headline!

One of my long and best selling E-Books, 8 Profit-Pulling PLR Strategies That Really Work!, has been selling since early 2007. While priced at only $10.00, the sales letter converted at 3.3%. This means for every 100 people who goes to the website and reads the sales letter, 3 of them would go on to buy my E-Book and become a customer.

While 3.3% is considered good, it's barely exciting for a low ticket product. So I made a small little tweak - one at a time. I hit the jack pot when I merely changed just a few words in the headline, and that made all the difference!

Since then, the conversions practically almost DOUBLED (read: almost 200%!) as every 6 to 7 in 100 people would go on to become customers, instead of the usual 3 in 100!

This proves again that it's all about your choice of words!

Formula #2 - If formula one is the "bait", then formula two is the "hook" that snags and pulls your prospect like an electric magnet into the rest of your sales letter. (Warning: Many copywriters attempt to use this formula, but make a common yet costly mistake - I'll show you how to avoid that error.)

Formula #3 - This formula is the secret to some of the highest-grossing sales letters of all time. Apply formula three to your copy and you will be able to "possess" most of your readers' minds - and many of their wallets! I've used this formula in MANY of my own sales letters. When you apply this formula, you can easily end up on the same path to success that got me where I am today.

Formula #4 - This is the most effective formula for writing copy that answers your readers' number one concern. Once I learned this formula, my sales copy went from OK to UNBELIEVABLE. My conversion rates - along with my income - started to EXPLODE when I applied this formula (see my results above) - and yours will too.

Formula #5 - If my competition wasn't using this, I probably wouldn't share it with you. That's because formula five uses an effective but "gray area" social engineering technique that works like a form of mind-control to encourage readers to buy your product. I'm revealing this powerful formula mainly to even the playing field for you - but realize that if you choose to use it yourself, you are doing so at your own risk. Please use this formula responsibly.

Formula #6 - This formula is the key to writing copy that keeps your prospect in a type of primitive trance as they read your offer. Used correctly in the manner I show you, many will purchase your offer before they are even conscious of what they are doing. If you don't follow this formula though, you risk losing your reader's interest long before they reach the "buy now" button. Luckily this formula, though very powerful, is VERY simple to use once you learn it.

Formula #7 - It's a fact: Most prospects will not buy from you if they have any lingering questions or objections in their mind when they are done reading your offer. Formula seven is the deadly technique that allows you to seemingly answer all questions and overcome all objections in your prospect's minds - as they are reading - without them even knowing what you are doing to them.

Formula #8 - Some might say this is a risky one. After all, why would you want your potential customer to know why they SHOULDN'T buy your product? You'll soon have the profitable answer to this question, along with this formula that - until now - has only been used by top copywriters.

"Your Prospects' Objections Will Melt Away As They Reach For Their Credit Cards..."
Formula #9 - this is the same formula that I applied to get you to read this far in THIS very letter you are reading now. ;-) This is proof enough on how well it works - and now YOU'LL be able to use it too.

Formula #10 - Besides overcoming specific objections, your sales copy also needs to answer the 3 subconscious questions that EVERY potential customer has on their mind - no matter what your product or service is. Formula #10 reveals these 3 questions and shows you how to write copy that answers them convincingly and completely, turning your prospect from a curious reader into an eager buyer.

Formula #11 - Using this formula you will be able to write copy that results in reduced refund rates without damaging your conversion rates. Bottom line: applying formula #11 ensures more satisfied customers AND more money in your pocket at the end of the day!

Formula #12 - Many product creators who also write their own copy make THIS mistake that destroys the income potential of their offer - before they've even started. Formula twelve shows you how to avoid this fatal error by ensuring that your offer appeals to the largest number of potential prospects possible.

Formula #13 - It's a fact: If you ask your prospect to make a purchase too early in your sales letter, this can turn them off and you can lose the sale. The problem is, you can also lose the sale if you don't ask them to take action soon enough. I reveal how to get around this apparent catch-22 by encouraging your reader to make their purchase in EXACTLY the right place and time in your copy.

Formula #14 - As you've seen, I've made a name for myself by creating, writing copy for and launching products that have generated tens of thousands of dollars in sales in a matter of days. Every one of the sales letters I wrote for these promotions included at least one of three distinct and extremely potent psychological triggers that were responsible for these results. In formula fourteen, I reveal ALL 3 for the first time - and show you how to use them in YOUR copy!

Formula #15 - I admit it - I kind of 'stole' this formula from a "seduction guru" who uses it to seduce women into going out on dates with him. But the same holds true for copywriting. After re-interpreting the principle, I saw yet another massive jump in my conversion rates. After testing this on dozens of my own profitable sales letters, I can tell you in all honesty that applying this one formula ALONE could mean the difference between continuing to live the life you have now and becoming the high-income generating online entrepreneur you are meant to be. (seriously)

Formula #16 - Of course, I've saved my favorite formula for last. Formula #16 shows you how to work "secret codes" into your copy - right where your prospect will be looking first - but will least expect them. This formula massively increases the urge to purchase, yet your prospect has no idea what is happening no matter how many times you use it.

Write Your Way To Wealth With Mastery Of Words Right Now!

Note: Just applying a handful of these formulas to your sales copy can cause an instant and dramatic improvement in your conversion rates and earnings. Any time you want to make more money, just apply another formula to your sales copy! With all 16 of my most powerful formulas at your disposal, you'll be able to create incredibly profitable offers on demand - whenever you want.

Total Running Time: 1 hour 55 minutes 33 seconds

Mastery of Words - Master Transcript and 7 Audio Sessions
51,865 KB

Bonus: 25 Sample Sales Letters
10,400 KB

Bonus: The Sales Booster Experiment
19 KB

NOTE: Email your testimonial to - include your full name, email address, website URL, and photo (optional). Audio and video testimonials are accepted too. Selected testimonials will be published on the website.
Anyone manage to get a download? If so please mirror TY

I managed to download it and made a mirror.
The download includes:

Mastery of Words - Master Transcript and 7 Audio Sessions
Bonus: 25 Sample Sales Letters
Bonus: The Sales Booster Experiment

Magic Button :

link down can you re up
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