Please share this if you have
msj904 hello
...a u left something out i wonder it could b!
This is a [REQ] thread so it needs moving to the "REQUEST SECTION".
Hi msj904, I think you posted your thread in a wrong section, this is FREEBIE section which we sharing..[GET], your [REQ] should be in REQUEST section, please refer screen shot
Also, I think you should code all URL/Link as well, please refer below screen shot
Do a SEARCH before you request or post....ALL WSO come with a number...please refer screen shot,
Copy the number and DO A search....
Hope this will help you and learn something today...
anyway can anyone share this please? the seller said that it works with non english traffic and it's a buying traffic!
Thanks for letting us know that it had already been shared. Going there now ! Rep. given ! Thanks again !
(06-04-2013 12:52 PM)SeoKing Corp Wrote: [ -> ]SHARED